Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eric's 26th Birthday Bash

On Tuesday was Eric's 26th Birthday! Happy Birthday Eric! We celebrated by going to Goodwood BBQ with some of our great friends on Monday night. We managed to squeeze all 17 of us on one table. We had great service despite the big group. Goodwood was nice enough to even let us bring our own cake. Greg used to work at Baskin Robins and makes delicious ice cream cakes...we asked him to make Eric's birthday cake and he was all about it! It turned out great and looked just as good as the real thing, he still has his touch 10 years later! Eric was nervous that Greg was going to do something crazy and embarrassing to the cake, but he didn't (almost) and it turned out perfect. Thanks Greg and Jalaine -she helped too - for the amazing cake...everyone loved it! The party didn't stop there, after dinner we all headed to Miracle was good times and had lots of laughs. We have great friends and are so thankful for each and every one of them....thank you all for celebrating with us! The next day -Eric's real day of birth - we slept in and I made Eric breakfast. It's tradition that Eric take his day off school and work, so of course I did too. We just hung out and spent the whole day together in the "big city" - went shopping, went to the movies, ate sushi, and hung out with his family. It was perfect, I love that boy!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love's in the Air

Just wanted to make a little post of what we did for the day of Love. After Eric got home from work we decided to brave the crowds and go out for dinner. But before we headed out Eric asked me to grab something from the car for him, I was skeptical but went anyway, in the car I found a pound-and-a-half-heart-shaped-box full of See's Candies (custom, not pre-arranged, the only way to go). It was the only thing I wanted. I was so happy to see all those beautiful chocolates staring back at me...don't worry, I didn't leave Eric empty handed, I got him the book he has been wanting for a while, Wall and Piece by Banksy (graffiti art, makes for a good coffee table book).

With all the restaurants in Salt Lake City (Utah County doesn't have as great of a selection) we knew we'd find a restaurant without a crazy wait. We love Thai so we hopped on Urban Spoon (the coolest application for iphone) and found a great little Thai restaurant in Downtown, little did we know that this little Thai restaurant also served Filipino food. That's right, Filipino food! Slowly all the Filipino restaurants started closing down in SLC and Utah county, and we thought there were none left. But it turns out there is one and we happened to find it by accident, its called Five Star. With all the Thai restaurants in SL, how did we manage stumble upon the one that serves Filipino food?
When we saw the Filipino flag hanging in the restaurant and a sign that said "we serve Filipino food" we were shocked and knew we hit the jackpot. For Filipino food, you actually have to ask for a different menu, when Eric ordered his Filipino dish the owners came over and started talking to us...they were curious as to why we ordered Filipino food. Turns out they are Filipino too. We hit it off with the owners and even got on their emailing list for when they have Filipino Buffet night. We're excited for that! Highly recommend Five Star. We finished off the night by going to the movies and watching He's Just Not That Into You - thought it was a cute movie!
hopE yOu alL had a happy valentines daY!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's Official!

So today I got a beautiful piece of paper that says I'm DIPLOMA! I graduated in December from UVU with my B.S. in Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Social Work, gosh that's a mouth full! YAY! It hasn't felt real yet and I haven't felt a sense of accomplishment because I hadn't had any proof. Graduation isn't until May 1st, and I hadn't gotten my diploma yet. I was scared wondering if I really had graduated, I actually had a dream a couple nights ago that I needed one more class to graduate, when I woke up I couldn't tell if it was a dream or real life.

Anyway, turns out the reason I hadn't received it was because I had a hold on my account that shouldn't have been there, they forgot to take it off (I'm a good girl, I didn't have any fee's or late library books), so they hadn't sent it in the mail. Since I was on campus for my positive psychology internship - I'm glad I still have some ties with school and a reason to go back if not I'd be so sad - I figured I'd check out why I hadn't gotten my diploma and when I can get my cap and gown for commencement. After taking care of my hold, they handed me a pretty paper with green shiny diploma with my name on it! It was like an 'alleluia' moment where the angels sing, I felt like I was on top the world, like finally my being done with school was official. Today was the first happiness I've felt about graduating.
Graduating is bittersweet, I'm glad to be done but I miss going to school already. I would be so happy taking classes the rest of my life because I love to learn. That's why I'm thinking of getting my masters. I took a GRE prep class last semester from BYU but haven't studied at all since I took the course. That's really the only thing that's stopping me from applying, the dreaded GRE. I think it could kill me! The deadline to apply is in May so I still have time to decide to go or not. I have my heart set on Utah State, the High School Counseling program. I would love to go to the U but the deadline passed. No worries, we're not going to move to Logan if I get accepted, its an extension program through UVU. Looks like I'd better start my studying!