after an early morning breakfast at my fave joint: kneaders with eric, greg, jalaine and lexi, i headed off to work. this was the first year i had to work on my birthday, we'd just gotten back from mexico 2 days prior so it wasn't so bad. but emily and christina were so cute and had this waiting for me in the office:
it made my short 3.5 hr shift go by that much quicker because i felt "special" and had something pretty to look at. thanks again em and christina! you guys are sweethearts!

that night to celebrate we had an intimate party with greg and jalaine. jalaine made me this awesome birthday cake, my favorite: vanilla with rainbow confetti...yum! those kids are the best!!
blue lemon was a great place to keep the birthday week going, rachel and emily took me out to dinner! good food and even better company.
can't finish the party without a family dinner at the in-laws. eileen always puts happy birthday confetti on the table and lexi had a blast with it...putting it on every ones faces.
i remember when i always looked forward to my birthdays...i still do but sadly they aren't as exciting as they once were...guess it just comes with age. growing up is scary...22 still felt like a big teenager to me, still in college with time to decide what to do next. but 23 sounds like a real adult...i'm done with school (my bachelors anyway) and now its time to grow up.