Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentines Day

I woke up to the only thing I wanted on V-day...a pound of chocolates from See's Candies - I didn't think he had gotten it for me since we are saving as much money as we can for our trip to the Philippines (March 10-23). I was so excited to see this very large heart shaped box from See's. On the box it said "Good Morning Love, Will you be my Valentine?" It was the sweetest thing ever! It's amazing what a box of chocolates can do to a woman, it made my day!

After school we headed up to salt lake so we could start buying stuff for our big trip! We bought a bunch of little travel sized necesities...(Utah County doens't have the best outdoor store selection that's why we headed up north). One gadget we bought is the coolest little tripod for our camera...except it's flexible so you can put it on anything from a light post to a door knob (very convenient, I hate asking other people to take our picture). We also bought neck pillows for a 10 hour overnight bus ride we are taking to Banaue, home of the Rice Terraces. Some claim it's the 8th wonder of the world.

After our shopping adventure we headed to the Gateway Mall...we needed to go to the apple store so they could fix eric's iphone, it's been causing him some troubles. Once that was done we went on a search to find something to eat for a romantic v-day dinner. I was craving cafe rio (good, cheap and we don't have to leave a tip) but eric wanted Goodwood BBQ. Since we almost always fulfill my cravings I wanted to get what he wanted. The wait wasn't bad, it was about 45 mins. We waited in the car and watch Rob and Big until our buzzer went off. Dinner was delicious and the service was great (we tend to have bad service everywhere we go...we just have bad luck). I ordered baby back ribs and pulled pork, it came with a baked potatoe and steamed veggies. Eric got the same thing he always gets, the honey stung chicken sandwich. We also got dessert (yeah, I need to head to the gym to work off all the calories I gained). It was a great valentines day!


  1. Hey it's Meg. I love the blog, isn't it fun? It's like scrap booking with out all the fuss and it takes less time. I have even hear that you can turn it in to some online company and they print it off for you and bind it so it can actually be turned into a book! Anyway last night was so fun. You are all fun girls to hang out with. We will definitely have to do it again.

  2. Hey it's Emily, I was on here to see if you had any posts from the Phillipines. I hope you're having fun. I can't wait to see all your pictures. We changed our blog address to: By the way, you're more than welcome to use "my" idea of Highlights of 2007.

  3. Hey Cinthia!!! I hope you are having a maravillloso viaje at philipines. Take care and have tons of fun!!!!
