There are so many things that can be said about this election. I’m excited about what this election stands for; it shows that anyone can achieve the American dream. An African American president is a great example of something deeper in this country than just politics; it says something about our character as a nation. I want to congratulate President Elect Obama. I’m excited that a majority of the country can look past skin color, it shows we have come a long way. Sadly, racism still exists, but I'm proud that we have taken such strides in overcoming it.
Obama may turn out to be a good president and not a great one, he may be challenged in ways that push him in directions he did not intend to go, but he will always be our first African American president. That is a remarkable achievement. Although I don't agree with all of his views, Obama is a good man who inspires, I was touched and inspired by his vision and speech. Both Senator McCain’s speech and President Elect Obama’s were great. I'm looking forward to the start of many changes that will occur when Obama takes office in January. Now the big question is, what kind of puppy should Obama get his daughters?