
Below: When I went home for the summer, Eric flew out to visit me. He stayed with my family and I for a week. This is the day he talked to my parents about marrying me.
the BiG day:

oUr first plaCe:

the KeepSake caKe: we ate the top of our wedding cake on our one month anniversary because we knew it wouldn't be good sitting for a year in our freezer, plus we needed the room! It was tasty.
ouR fiRst aNniveRsary: well this picture was 5 days before our 1st year anniversary because Eric was sick with the flu so we celebrated at home sick in bed. 

ouR secOnd aNnivErsary: we celebrated on a small beautiful island called Boracay in the was amazing (see philippines posts for more pics).

our second pad: we have the second floor, not the whole house!

our third house: no pics of our 4th house yet!

our third anniversary: