boondocks: eric's old mission companion, cody and his wife carly, were in town from arizona so we hooked up with them and went to boondocks. we got the all inclusive pass where you can get unlimited everything. we did these cool little boats where you spray water at each other, laser tag, golf and games. we haven't seen cody and carly in forever so it was nice to catch up with them. i'm so bad at golf that i hit my ball in the water twice! since cody's friend is so tall, he was a good sport and fetched my ball for me.
80's partay: next stop was the 80's party at eric's work. every couple months best buy will have a party at the store for all the employees and their family. we watch movies, play games, eat food...etc. the 80's party started because a girl at work had never watched back to the future, then they found out that half the store hadn't watched that movie (all the youngsters and high schoolers anyway, gosh, them not having watched it, let alone heard of it, makes me feel so old). so the store decided to have an 80's night where we watch back to the future and play old school nintendo. eric recently traded a tool box for a nintendo so we played with that baby all night.
trevor pretty much lives in the 80's and was part of an 80's cover band back home, so he was the most decked out 80's style. i just love his costume! because he was in charge of the party (it was a given), he couldn't win the best costume prize.
bonfires and roasting marshmallows are a must in the summer! we grabbed some KFC and headed up the canyon with chris and sepideh.

i need to take pictures of everything otherwise i forget (as with most people, i'm sure). so we took a group picture then decided we'd have fun with it. this was the first try.
chris and sepideh introduced us to a new game...think its called washers. you have 2 boxes and throw 4 rings into a box, the trick is actually getting in the box or the hole inside it. we played couple vs. couple. we won by a point...due to beginners luck! we wanted to buy the game and as luck would have it eric won it at work a couple days later. its blue and yellow for best buy colors.
so you think you can dance has come to an end this summer...i can't believe its already starting up again next month...we're so excited. eric loves watching the show with me, he'll get mad if i watch it without him :) since we are big fans we had to watch it with just as big fans, so we had a sytycd finale party at emily and dylan's with mckay and chelsey. we were ALL rooting for jeanine, except for mckay. he wanted evan to win. between dylan, emily, eric, and i we voted for jeanine about 350 times the night before. we were pretty stoked that she won. after the party dylan was raving about this place that had the best pieshakes; SAMMY'S. if you want a banana cream pie they actually put a slice of pie with ice cream and blend it. dylan got our palettes wet so we had to cruise down there and try this amazing place. we ordered the chocolate oreo cookie pie, pretty delicious if you ask me. i'm hooked and what i love about it the most is its a cute, quaint, artsy little place. on the wall there are polaroids of people at the restaurant. they have rad original artwork on the wall for sale, we were tempted to buy an awesome drawing of 2 polaroid cameras.

fantasticks: we love outdoor theater shows. uvu and sundance partnered together and put on a broadway show: the fantasticks. apparently none of the actors are uvu students...but we still enjoyed it. i love outdoor theaters because it not only makes it feel like summer, but its awesome being high up in the mountains surrounded by big trees and fresh air. it was chilly but chris and sepideh came to our rescue by bringing extra blankets. its still running so if you're interested check it out!

its been a great summer so far, i'm sad its almost over. there are still so many things we want to do, like float down to provo river, go camping, hiking, mountain biking, etc. hopefully this fall won't be too cold, but judging by the cooler summer it might be. its raining and storming right now. i love rain and the smell of rain; it makes me want to cuddle up on the couch and read a good book. we need the moisture but boy how it ruins summer plans like camping and swimming.