Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick or Treat

I totally winged Leila's bun hat and it worked out. I pounded that out in less than 30 min (experimenting mostly) and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of the way it turned out. Except for the fact that it kept falling off causing her little blondies kept poking out.

Eric had everything in his closet for Justin Bieber and was almost embarrassed by it. His facebook post said, "Not quite sure how I should feel about the ease of putting together my complete Justin Bieber costume straight outta my own wardrobe". The light grey skinnies, the purple hoodie, the purple jacket, the shoes, the hat, and almost the hair...he's my real life Justin Bieber. For my costume I just made a fan sign and added "I heart JB" on one of Eric's hats. Easy peasy. Not bad for putting it together last minute.

It was a perfect Halloween night, like in the 60's, but we still opted to go trick or treating at the mall. Should've gone door to door like I originally planned but neither one of us - the Crocketts - have neighbors so which neighborhood would we go to? The one that hands out full size candy bars. What am I talking about, we're in a recession. No one hands out full size candy bars anymore. So the mall it was. Little did we know that trick or treating at the mall was from 5-7 and we got there at 7:30. We should've hit up In N' Out after the mall.

Luckily, there were a few stores that still had candy and Leila seriously got 5 pieces. We'd be the ones to eat it anyway so it's all gravy. Next year we're definitely going door to door. Leila was much more into the tricks than the treating. Lately, all she wants to do is push her stroller around, seriously didn't want to do anything else, and didn't have an interest in getting candy. But did gobble up one fun size M&M's.

Chelsey put all of us to shame with her legit CocaCola costume...and SHE MADE IT! That girl is the busiest woman I know, has 2 real jobs, a 10 month old, and still has time to craft? What? She whipped that thing up like it was nothing, and all from scratch. No tutorial. Talent right there.

McKay also picked something out of his closet. Can you tell what he is? A trucker. Flannel's are apart of his everyday wardrobe so it doesn't really count.

Now that the Halloween Festivities are over it's time to take down the decorations - okay I actually never got around to putting them up - and bust out the Christmas music! 


  1. Cynthia, I love your hair!!! And great costumes!

  2. love your costumes!! i can't believe you made leila's bun hat, it's so cute! haha and eric's facebook post made me crack up :)

  3. ok good post, but a little too early to bring out the christmas music.
