Sunday, June 1, 2008

PI - Day 5

Sunday was a day that Eric was really looking forward to. He was really excited to go to church in the Cabanatuan 6th ward and see all the members he knew there. Cabanatuan was the last area he served in. I on the other hand, was kinda dreading going to church, and I was really nervous about attending Relief Society all by myself in a language I can’t really understand. I just knew they would call on me to pray, or read, or contribute to the lesson in some way (because sometimes the lessons are taught in English).

Eric and Dominga (his favorite convert)
Of course, the Bishop (Boogie) called on Eric to speak in Sacrament, but that was kind of a given. A lot of the members recognized him, but had to ask his name! Many of them also thought I was a Filipina… or at least half.

Boogie invited us over for dinner that night but forgot that didn’t have enough food to feed a couple hungry foreigners. So, after church and visiting one of Eric’s converts, Dominga Daquis, Boogie and his wife, Cheryl, took us out to eat…on the Sabbath! It was nice to know that we weren’t the only ones to break the Sabbath every now and then.

The restaurant was cool and of course had a karaoke machine…Eric couldn’t get me to sing though, we left that to their son Zeniff who tagged along with us!

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