Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Hairscut

On May 28th Eric finally decided to "prove" to me that he wasn't too much of a pansie to shave his head... A few weeks before, we had been at Greg and Jalaine's (our best buds) house and got talking on the subject of shaving heads (Greg's been shaving his for years) and I told Eric he was too pansie to do it. Well, those were fightin words and it eventually turned into a nice little bet over the following days. Eric had never shaved his head before in his life, and my comments DEFINATELY pushed him over the edge this time! Come 12:30 am, Eric finally decided to man-up and do it... Greg was delighted to do the honors....

And this was the end result... now i can't wait for it to grow back so he doesn't look like such a "tough-guy". It's taking some getting used to for the both of us... We'll just hafta see if he keeps it up now.


  1. Cynthia I can tell you didn't like Eric's hair cut. But it will grow, he looks more handsome with his long hair.

  2. Mike just did his too. Mike looks okay, but it's not his best look, that's for sure.
