Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Strawberry Days Rodeo

Disclaimer: I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but I've been so busy with school I just haven't had time. So these next few entries are going to be old but I still want to post them up.

Eric and I have never been to a rodeo! We decided it would be fun to go to the Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days Rodeo - I really wanted to go because of the strawberries and cream everyone raves about. They were pretty good.

We didn't really know what to expect being that we've never been before. So when we got in and paid $12 bucks each (ouch) we asked what that price included (I heard there was a carnival and wondered if rides were included or something), the guy said, "it's a rodeo!". So we go in, get our food, and find a place to sit. I thought there were going to be a lot of activities going on at once and you just walked around, but I was wrong. It's more like sports, you sit in a stadium/arena and watch the entertainment. I knew there was going to be some bull riding - obviously - but this was real entertainment. It was cool to see all the activities going on with the horses, sheep and bulls. Our favorite thing was the dirt bikes - they were pretty reckless.

The rodeo was fun, but I was disappointed that we didn't see a carnival - I wanted to go on rides and eat a funnel cake. Well when the rodeo was over around 10pm we walked to our car (parked pretty far away) and started heading home - that's when we saw all the lights and rides from the carnival. I was so excited! Eric was so cute and found a place to park again so we could go on a ride and stuff our faces some more. They were closing up shop and you couldn't buy tickets to get on the rides anymore, but the food places were still open and we sure got our funnel cake! I'm glad we made it to the carnival and the rodeo...we'll for sure go next year!


  1. Wow, that sounded like fun!! I didn't even know there was a Strawberry Festival...Mikaela and I love strawberries, maybe next year we'll go too! By the way, when are you going home? We wanted to have you guys up to BBQ one weekend so let me know when you guys are available! Talk to you soon.

  2. You're so funny. I guess things that are just common to us Utahn's are not for you. Glad you enjoyed it and had fun.
