Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dark Knight Scion Meet

We've been looking forward to this last weekend because it's been a while since we've had a meet with our Scion friends. For the meet we met up the SLC crew and drove down with them to Provo to met up with the few kids that live down here... once everyone was ready we took off on our adventure...to cruise the Alpine Loop.

We had a blast because 11 cars showed up and almost everyone had 2-way radios so we kept ourselves entertained along the drive. Alpine Loop is beautiful this time of year, it was nice to get out of the heat for a few too. Everytime we have a meet, we always have to park our cars together and take a million photos!

After the cruise we ended up in American Fork where we had pre-bought tickets to see Dark Knight. Everyone grabbed some food while Allison and I saved places in line - everyone joined us and ate their food while we waitined in line for over an hour (too bad it wasn't reserved seating). We were pretty stoked that we cut all 17 people in line without getting any guff :)

All the people we squeezed in line!

Line's moving...gotta run!

We saved the whole back row of the theater...and had a blast at the movie. Dark Knight was fantastic - just wish Katie Holmes would have played Rachel in the second film. We're anxious to know what they do with the 3rd film.

Monday, July 21, 2008

4th of July

We had a good 4th of July. Eric had to work most of the day - 8 hrs paid, plus time and a half - who wouldn't want to work! In the morning I went to the parade with Jalaine, Lexi and her sisters. It was fun and not too hot. For getting there only 30 min before it started we got some good seats under the shade.

I was so proud of the UVU float!!!!

After I did some shopping - couldn't miss the 4th of July sale a Macy's, got some cute T straps for 50% off - we went to Greg and Jalaine's for a BBQ. We lit our own fire works on the street - they are much more fun than watching them...

Of course, they have to put the sparklers in their MOUTH!

...And we got our big firework fix the night before at the game. The boys had a little too much fun blowing things up. We almost set the neighbors lawn on fire more than once!

Real Soccer Game

We've been wanting to go to a Real game all summer, and finally we got to go. We went when we first started dating and haven't been since - so it was about that time. We went with Eric's family...parents, brother greg and girlfriend shasta. Shasta got good seats so we got a great view...if you know what I mean.

Eric's mom, him, me, Shasta

Greg and Shasta

I've got a hot husband, but watch out for those soccer players, especially #5: Kyle Beckerman.

Dreads (on some) are hot. Eric wants to get dreads now. What's with him wanting to do all this crazy stuff to his hair?? First he wants to shave it, now dreads, what's next? I should just keep my mouth shut.

After the game they had a ton of fireworks, so it kinda made up for neither team scoring a goal! LAME!!

Spontaneous Trip to Vegas

My parents were in the neighborhood - Las Vegas...only 4.5 hours away instead of 12 - and since they were so close they wanted us to go out and spend the weekend with them. Initially we weren't going to go because we both had to work and couldn't get out of it. But I really wanted to see my parents because I haven't seen them since October...so I was pretty homesick for them. We contemplated going because it would be a short trip - but we figured we should be the spontaneous people we are, so we decided to make the quick trip out there. When I called my mom 5 minutes before we hit the road, she was so happy she almost started crying - we're very close. We got on the road at about 11:30pm Saturday night after we both got home from work (and after my car got broken into). We arrived early in the morning and crashed at their hotel, The Stratosphere. It's pretty ghetto and I wouldn't reccommend it to anybody - unless it's free like it was for my parents.

We all slept in a woke up to go to the breakfast buffet at the Bellagio - the best buffet in Vegas. It ended up being breakfast lunch and dinner - we ate so much we could barely walk. But being the munch mouths we are, we had a midnight snack too.

(midnight snack restaurant)

The rest of the day we just hung out, went swimming and lounged (we go to vegas so often we don't really care about the sights, this trip is our 3rd trip since January).

My parents had to head for the road to make it to work the next morning so they left at 7pm - so we only got to see them for a few hours but it was worth it - it gave me my "fix" until we make our trip to California in August.

After they left we went up to the stratosphere. My parents got free tickets and I've always wanted to go up there - but the elevator ride alone is like 12 bucks so we can never justify it, so I was excited.

I wanted to go on the rides but Eric was too scared - he said he didn't want to pay 15 bucks for a ride, but I know that was just a cover up because he was too chicken. When we have kids I think he's gonna be the one taking them on the kiddie rides while I go on the real rides with my family (we always get season tickets to Great America).
We headed out the next day - since we've never been to the Las Vegas Temple I wanted to stop by and check it out (it was closed), it's beautiful! Once we got In-n-Out Burger we headed home. It was a fun, short, random vacation.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Strawberry Days Rodeo

Disclaimer: I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but I've been so busy with school I just haven't had time. So these next few entries are going to be old but I still want to post them up.

Eric and I have never been to a rodeo! We decided it would be fun to go to the Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days Rodeo - I really wanted to go because of the strawberries and cream everyone raves about. They were pretty good.

We didn't really know what to expect being that we've never been before. So when we got in and paid $12 bucks each (ouch) we asked what that price included (I heard there was a carnival and wondered if rides were included or something), the guy said, "it's a rodeo!". So we go in, get our food, and find a place to sit. I thought there were going to be a lot of activities going on at once and you just walked around, but I was wrong. It's more like sports, you sit in a stadium/arena and watch the entertainment. I knew there was going to be some bull riding - obviously - but this was real entertainment. It was cool to see all the activities going on with the horses, sheep and bulls. Our favorite thing was the dirt bikes - they were pretty reckless.

The rodeo was fun, but I was disappointed that we didn't see a carnival - I wanted to go on rides and eat a funnel cake. Well when the rodeo was over around 10pm we walked to our car (parked pretty far away) and started heading home - that's when we saw all the lights and rides from the carnival. I was so excited! Eric was so cute and found a place to park again so we could go on a ride and stuff our faces some more. They were closing up shop and you couldn't buy tickets to get on the rides anymore, but the food places were still open and we sure got our funnel cake! I'm glad we made it to the carnival and the rodeo...we'll for sure go next year!