Monday, September 1, 2008

Great America

Next to Disneyland, Great America is my favorite amusement park ever! Mostly because of the memories I have with my family...we would get season passes every year and the whole family would go. I was so excited to take Eric here! This was one of the first places we went to during our trip to California.

Here we are going on my whole families favorite ride...TOP GUN. Eric gets nervous when rides go upside down so I was wondering if he'd like it...he loved it so much we rode it 3 times that day! The lines were definately worth the wait. I've never been on a faster, cooler, smoother ride than far, no ride has topped it. Eric agrees.

This is my sister Ana...she is the oldest in the family and we are about 14 years apart.

Sameul - my nephew - kept on sticking his tounge out at us b/c it was blue. So I begged him to share his bubble gum powdered candy with me so my tounge could be blue too...after a short fit he shared it with me...and Eric too - he didn't want to be left out.
This picture is priceless...we went on Delirium and Samuel looks so can see the terror in his eyes. Eric on the other hand looks like he's having a blast. I just love this picture.
Here I am with my parents...coming on the end of the night. Close to closing... my family rarely leaves before the park closes.
Whenever we go to Great America, it's tradition to get a funnel cake before we go. No other place makes 'em the same. I can never finish it because its so sweet, but it's been so long since I've had a funnel cake, Eric and I ate the whole thing right up. It was a fun day and brought back a lot of memories.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I'm commenting on all your posts :-P
    I can't believe Eric actually went on that ride and three times at that! That's awesome! I still wouldn't have gone on it to begin with LOL
