Monday, September 1, 2008

San Francisco

I love the City, so of course, our next stop on our trip was San Francisco. Since my parents had to work and could only take a few days off work, we ventured off into the city. When Eric came to visit me while we were dating, we went to S.F. and did Lombard street, Peir 39 and walked to Golden Gate Bridge. This time we visited new places (along with the usual). Eric had never been to Treasure Island, which is the Island the Bay Bridge goes through. It is a perfect view of the city...but always windy and cold. While we were there, Eric saw a family from the Philippines (about 8). He was nervous but I told him to go talk to them...he asked them if he could take a picture of them in English, then said "are you all going to fit" in Tagalog...they were shocked of course that a white boy was speaking Tagalog - even better than one of the kids there. They were kind enough to return the favor and take a picture of us. They chatted for a while and we were on our way to more sights.

We tried to go to Peir 39 to see if we could get on a boat to Alcatraz...turns out we needed to book it 5 days in advance. That was a disappointment so we left and went to the Marina by the Golden Gate Bridge. It's so pretty here...a lot warmer than it looks. Just a little misty. The Palace of Fine Arts is right there so we stopped to take some pictures. I love this place because of its beautiful Greek and Roman's under construction now so its not as breath taking.

One of my best friends, Vanessa, from middle school and high school lives in San Francisco and goes to USF, so we made plans to go to dinner and a Giants game (Go Giants!) with her and her boyfriend. She lives right next to the Conservatory of Flowers so we hung out at the park until she got off work.
We were hungry so next stop was dinner, what better place than the Cheesecake Factory. There are many delicious places to eat in the city but since Danny had never been there, we had to go.

Eric has never been to a major league baseball team so this was the perfect time to go. We're all Giants fans and we converted Eric to be one too. They played against the Florida Marlin's and lost. Vanessa jinxed them because she said they were going to lose...and they did! We left at the end of the seventh inning stretch and the score was 7-0. LAME!!

We didn't finish everything we wanted to do in the City, so we went back again the next day to go shopping (haight, shops on Mission...and more). We also needed to get the famous sundaes at Ghirardelli was amazing.

We love to people watch so after our sundaes we sat around and did just that. We even witnessed an accident. As you can see, Eric looks quite amused checking out what all the camotion was about. No one got hurt (if someone did it wouldn't be amusing), but a car was trying to parallel park on this steep hill and it looked like she forgot to put her car in park because when she was done parking she ran into the car in front of her...all we heard was a loud crash/bang. Everyone was staring, we felt so bad but it was just hard not to watch. I was scared we were going to have the same problem going up the steep streets in a stick...but Eric is a pro and wasn't too scared (or at least didn't show it).


  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun!! I am jealous:) Can't wait to see you guys this Sunday! The kids are way excited.

  2. San Francisco is awesome! I love the picture of you guys sitting with the bridge behind you.
