Tuesday, September 16, 2008


On our next adventure we visited Sonoma Valley...I've been to Sonoma but never to a winery. So first thing on our list was to visit the Viansa Winery and Italian Marketplace. There are so many winery's in Napa/Sonoma we didn't know which one to pick. Luckily, Carolina - a close family friend (who now lives in Utah) - went home to visit a couple weeks before we did and went to Viansa. She did her research and chose this place because they not only specialize in wine but also in olive oil, pestos, aiolis, salsas, dipping oils, marinades, dessert sacues and cheeses. I trusted her and didn't want to do my own research.

We took a tour, and because we didn't drink the wine, we were still able to munch on everything I listed above...everything was delicious. We had to bring some of that deliciousness home of course! We could have been there all day trying taste tester food...like Costco, but a lot better!

This is where the wine is stored and aged, Viansa uses only the finest French and American oak barrels.
On our tour we learned a lot about the making of wine...and the tasting of wine. For example, you don't taste the wine until the second sip (we didn't taste it, our tour guide explained it to us) and all this other fun stuff...sorry, I just can't explain everything I learned, so you'll just have to make a trip out there to learn about it :)

We also visited the grape vineyards. I now appreciate wine...not for its taste, but for the intricate process it takes to make it.

The property was gorgeous.

Here is Eric taste testing ALL the delicious goodness!

To end our day we went to downtown Sonoma, it's such a quaint little town with amazing little shops and boutiques. We love walking around towns like this...oh and the weather was perfect! When we passed through San Francisco to get here this is what it looked like:
Once we passed the GGB it was perfect...hot and sunny. Eric was glad I made him wear shorts. Needless to say, this day trip was a thumbs up!


  1. Hey!! Love the pics of Sonoma! And hey, I mailed out your check on Monday. It should be there soon I would hope:) Thanks again for mailing out the box!! Can't wait to hang out with you guys again!

  2. Looks like fun, and I agree, I love to make others do the research.
