Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Year's Eve and Paint

So we've moved...not too far, only down the street a bit from our old house. We moved so we can manage a storage unit. The perks you ask? Our neighbors and riding a golf cart! This is the 4th house we've lived in during our almost 3 years of marriage. Sadly, in our many homes we've never gotten to know or really even enjoyed our neighbors, so this was a real treat!

For new years we had a painting party with Emily, Dylan, Christina, and Andrew (Jackson was sleeping). The office needed a desperate paint job so we decided to spend our new years painting...what better way to start the new year than with a clean/crisp office for 2009! Painting was quite the adventure!

Look at us ladies doing all the hard work...just kidding, the boys helped too. They made sure all the electronics were nicely put away and re-connected after we painted. Who knew it takes 3 macho guys to get a fax machine working again?
After painting the office we needed some energy, so we headed to Christina's for a break and chowed down on pizza and chocolate cake from Magelby's for dessert! After the break we had to get back to painting, I got paint all in my hair, see the nice white stripe in my bangs, I was trying to get behind the toilet then bonked my head on the freshly painted wall, not a good idea. Note to self: when painting behind the toilet wait for the wall to dry before leaning your head against it! Two minutes later I got paint all over my bun! I was the only one who got paint everywhere, Christina and Emily are the experts. I stuck to the taping part, can't really mess that up.

We were supposed to stop at midnight to celebrate the new year and bust out the sparklers, fireworks and sparkling cider, but we were so into painting we worked straight through midnight. So we celebrated around 1:00am or so...CHEERS!
Emily set the timer on the camera so we could all take a group picture, right before it went off I spilt my cider all over myself, hence the surprised look on our faces...2 seconds later Emily spilt her drink all over too...oopps!!
There are a few things I'd like to better myself at this year: I'd like to spend less time in front of the tube, read more books, spend more quality time with my hubby, keep better in touch with friends near and far (a phone call never hurt anyone), pick up yoga so I can work on my meditation and relaxation, be better at daily scripture study, eat out less, work out more (need to get rid of my muffin top), eat healthier...I'll work on this for now.
Happy neW YeaR!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the hair!!! Glad you guys had fun, and I'm sure the office looks great :)
