Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry (belated) Christmas

Merry Christmas!!! I hope everyone and their families had a blessed and Merry Christmas!!

Our Christmas was fun and intimate! Since Eric's sister (who lives in Colorado) is expecting the very first grandchild in the family right around Christmas, we celebrated Christmas early with Eric's parents, grandpa and brother. We celebrated with my family over the phone on Christmas and Christmas Eve :) As for the real holiday we spent it with Greg and Shasta, Eric's brother and lovely girlfriend. We spent the night at their house, ate all night and played Grandpa's old school games like battleship, connect four, jenga and one I'd never heard of: run yourself ragged.
Shasta pouring us some sparkling cider for our intimate candlelit Christmas Eve dinner for four...and Greg doing what he does best (next to snowboarding), cooking.

After falling asleep to A Christmas Story (everyone but Eric)...we woke up to gifts from Santa.

Because Eric is a really good guesser, and shakes every single one of his gifts, I have to deceive his gifts by putting them in bigger boxes and stuffing them with whatever I can to prevent them from being "shakable" - this year i stuffed sheets and plastic bags in a bigger box...he didn't know what it was until he opened it, after all, that IS the point! He has done this to me every Christmas since we've been together, once he even put weights in my gift to make it seem heavier than it really was...sneaky sneaky!

After opening gifts and watching Mr. Kruger's Christmas (a cute old school LDS Christmas film), we went to the movies and saw Bedtime Stories...would see it again! Can't wait to do it all over again next year!


  1. Merry Christmas!!! Sounds nice!!! So much quieter and relaxed than ours!

  2. What a fun Christmas! Spencer's parents have that funky marble game you talked about. So weird huh!?

  3. Hey girl! I saw your blog on someone else's blog and wanted to tell ya yours is so cute!! I made my blog private, but if you will email me I will send you an invite so you can look at it whenever! Have a good one!

    Lindsey Rovig

