Friday, December 5, 2008

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving was fun and intimate this year, just us and Eric's lovely parents. Eric's mom, Eileen, unfortunately had foot surgery the day prior to Thanksgiving so we forgoed the cooking and headed to Mimi's Cafe so they could do it for us. Bright side: no clean up, down side: no left overs. Mimi's did a pretty good job, but next year we'll be sure to do the cooking - I always look forward to the yams and they were a bit disappointing. After dinner we headed to the movies and saw Four Christmases - what else do you do on Thanksgiving other than pig out and spend it with the fam? The movies of course! Four Christmases was ok, like the characters but didn't think the movie was amazing - not quite the Christmas spirit movie I was hoping for. Oh and nap too, Eric had to be to work at 4:30am for the big day after thanksgiving sales and I had to be to work at we made sure to go to bed early.

Above: Eric's cute parents...and Eric having a little too much fun with the sparkling cider :)

Here are a few thanks for Turkey Day:

1. Eric: First and foremost, I'm thankful for my better half. I couldn't have found a more perfect match for me. Eric is so patient and loving - he still loves me even in my crazy ways - I'm biased but he really is the best husband a wife could have! My life has become so much more fabulous with him in it. I'm so grateful for him, for his love and patience with me. He is such a wonderful friend, my best friend. I love everything about him, his quorkiness, his personality, his willingness to help others, all of his goofy faces, and most of all for the person he has helped me become. After almost three years of marriage...I still can't get enough of him! Thanks Eric...for everything!

2. Familia: I'm so thankful for my family! I've been blessed with an amazing, loving family. I could go on and on about my family and how much I love them...but that would take pages. I'm just so thankful for my parents and the wonderful example they have set for me. After 30 years of marriage, they can still act like newlyweds. I miss them so much and wish I lived nearer to them - my parents, brother and sister live in California and another brother lives in Oregon. I miss having my niece and nephews around too - they are so much fun (Eric isn't an uncle yet but will be this month, woo hoo!). But Utah is the right place for me...right now. I've married into a great family and am glad they live so close - they have adopted me like their own daughter. I'm also thankful for my wonderful extended family in Mexico, my abuelita had 15 children so you can imagine how huge and crazy family gatherings are. I'm excited to fly out and see them next month!

Here's a picture taken 2 summers ago with me, Eric and my cousins...and this isn't even half of them, seriously! Aunts and uncles aren't even in this picture.

3. Religion: I'm so thankful for my religion, and religion in general. I'm so grateful to have been raised in the LDS church...and for all the many wonderful blessings that I have received from it. I'm so thankful for a living prophet to guide and counsel us; and for the scriptures, they have changed my life. I'm so HAPPY and love being a member of the church. I'm so thankful for missionaries (and members) who share the gospel all over the world so others can share my happiness.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. We totally went to Mimi's last year for Thanksgiving! (We were on vacation in Tucson.) I almost started crying when they brought the food with gravy on it. I hate gravy. My Thanksgiving was nearly ruined. I'm glad you had fun!

  2. Cynthia I enjoyed reading your events in Thanksgving. Your are very blessed and there's a lot more blessings on the way. Keep having a wonderful life with Eric and family!! love mom.
