Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Festival of Trees

Christmas is officially over, tear drop, but I have a few posts related to Christmas. We went to the Festival of Trees this year with some friends, Joseph and Carin. I'd heard so many great things about it that we had to go. There were so many gorgeous and creative trees...here are snapshots of our night.

These were some of the most popular trees. The glass tree and the trinket tree - that's what I called it. It had balls go up and down the tree along with other cool trinkets.
This was my favorite tree - one of them anyway, it was made with mini colored marshmallows and was darling. Surprisingly, it was still for sale (we went on the last night at almost the last hour) so I tried to convince Eric to buy it for me. Although it went towards a great cause, sadly, we couldn't afford it. That's what I loved the most about going to the Festival of Tree's, all the proceeds went to Primary Children's Medical Center. What a great way to raise money and see creative tree's at the same time!
Of course we had to get a snapshot with the grinch...they did an awesome job with this tree! I loved how almost every tree has a story behind it. I was watching the news and Big Buddha from Fox 13 was at the Festival of Trees talking to a woman whose young daughter passed away and she created a tree dedicated and decorated for her, it was touching.

Since we didn't put up a Christmas tree this year...we got our fix by going. Now I've got some good ideas for next year.

1 comment:

  1. No tree? I'm glad you went to the festival to get your fix. If I would have known that you had no tree, I would have let you borrow my fake one!!!
