Thursday, July 23, 2009


this summer we were able to take a quick 3 day trip to cali. some of my family came up from mexico to take the kids to disneyland. so my parents met up with them in so cal...and so did we! that made for a total of 15...big party but it made it that much more interesting and fun. eric hasn't been to disneyland in over 10 years, so this was a real treat.
day 1: disneyland
day 2: legoland
day 3: laguna beach
beware, there are tons of pictures, and only more to come!

me, mom, ana, natalia, iris.
eric and nadja.

isn't that the cutest picture!

Natalia, Marcos, Tia Meri, Dad, Ana, Liz,...and I can't see past Liz. but we filled up the whole side of the Nemo Ride.
here is the whole group - except marcos, he was taking the picture, he had about 10 cameras. i guess we don't like to share pictures in our family!

mom and tia meri.
all the sobrinos wanted to hang out with me :)
yes, we had to eat the infamous hand dipped corn dogs. they were pretty tasty.

and for dinner we all had a turkey was tasty and a must try at disneyland. we shared it of course, and felt like carnivores.

sisters: cynthia and ana. and the letters were right next to each other, how perfect.

here we are exhausted, red, and sweaty. because there were 15 of us, we didn't make it to california adventure. so we need to hit up disneyland again very soon.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

college roommies

last week my college roommies and i got together to catch up on old times. its been four years since the four of us have been fact, since we lived together. emily, rachel and i have all kept it touch, but we haven't seen tasha in years. we had a good time reminiscing and laughing about our crazy adventures as roommies. we all live close by so we wont go as long without seeing each other.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

today is my parents 37th wedding anniversary! 37 years later and they are as much in love as they were when they first met. happy anniversary mom and dad, we love you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


we started the fourth off by heading to the hot air balloon festival with lexi and jalaine. since the boys had to work, just us girls hung out all day, watching movies and being girls. when the boys got home we put them to work, the burgers were ready and waiting for the grill.

trevor and sarah joined the party and brought their little ones. maddie and lexi played chalk...and of course eric and i had to play too.

i love this picture of lexi, you can't really tell but she has chalk all over her face.

we headed to the park south of the provo temple to watch the fireworks. looks like that's the place to watch em', it was packed. eric bought us those cool lights they were selling, we all felt cool and the kids loved em'. wish the glow lasted longer.

sarah, trevor, michael, maddie.
greg, jalaine
oh, eric and his faces.
group picture.
after the fireworks, and the hour it took us to get home, we had a firework show of our own. eric loves those sparklers and was doing some kind of crazy dance. i love the fourth of july, love fireworks, bbq's, sitting outside, flipflops, and summer festivities. its a great opportunity to remember and thank those that serve and fight for our country.

Monday, July 6, 2009

slc vs. san jose

Friday we went to the Real game. I was stoked because they were playing the San Jose Earthquakes. I wasn't sure who to cheer for, San Jose (20 min south of my hometown and where I was going to go to college before I moved to Utah) or my current town...I ended up cheering for Real, of course. We got awesome seats (only paid $9.50 each on U92's website instead of $30 on Real's for the same exact seats). We were next to the band...they are so full of energy, and as usual, are non-stop. I just love the band because they set the tone/mood for the game and get everyone - at least us - amped for the game.
We received American Flags at the entrance of the game to celebrate the 4th of July, and had fireworks at the end of the game. They played patriotic songs during the firework show, it made me feel very proud to be an American.

The score was 1-1. The Earthquakes scored in the 2nd half of the game and Real scored in last 5 min, so it was pretty intense towards the end.