Tuesday, July 7, 2009


we started the fourth off by heading to the hot air balloon festival with lexi and jalaine. since the boys had to work, just us girls hung out all day, watching movies and being girls. when the boys got home we put them to work, the burgers were ready and waiting for the grill.

trevor and sarah joined the party and brought their little ones. maddie and lexi played chalk...and of course eric and i had to play too.

i love this picture of lexi, you can't really tell but she has chalk all over her face.

we headed to the park south of the provo temple to watch the fireworks. looks like that's the place to watch em', it was packed. eric bought us those cool lights they were selling, we all felt cool and the kids loved em'. wish the glow lasted longer.

sarah, trevor, michael, maddie.
greg, jalaine
oh, eric and his faces.
group picture.
after the fireworks, and the hour it took us to get home, we had a firework show of our own. eric loves those sparklers and was doing some kind of crazy dance. i love the fourth of july, love fireworks, bbq's, sitting outside, flipflops, and summer festivities. its a great opportunity to remember and thank those that serve and fight for our country.

1 comment:

  1. Fun pictures!!! It was a lot of fun and I really liked our girls been lazy time watching movies! Breakfast at IHOP with the boys was fun to we should do it next year too :)
