Monday, March 19, 2012

out of storage in salt lake

You know the nerves you get right before you're going to give a major presentation or speak in church? Yeah, that's how nervous I felt when we were getting ready to watch OUR show premier on HGTV. We had my in-laws, Greg, Shasta and their new baby watch the show with us. Our house is in shambles right now with the renovation of our kitchen, so we'll have an HGTV/house warming party next month when we have the ability to throw a real party.

Greg showed up ready with his camera and tripod to film us watching our show, I guess he wanted to get our reactions on film. I'm really glad he did and I stole still shots from the video he recorded. Thank you Greg, smart thinking!

my reaction is: oh no, it's starting!
don't know why we're clapping.
don't remember what eric and i are talking about here.
looking so serious, and paying close attention.

Overall, we were really happy with how the show turned out. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was better than what I'd imagined in my head (in most cases). I'm bummed that they showed me almost falling off the lift, of the hundreds of hours of film they shot, they had to show that clip. Ugh! It was my first day back of the season, so give me a break :). There were some other things I would change watching the show, like my choice of words (in house #2 I used "clean" when I really meant stale, stagnant, boring) and I don't feel like I seemed too excited about the house we chose, but I really was. I feel like they kinda cut that part out. I remember saying that house #3 was a perfect mix of house #1 and house #2.

Our home is far from perfect but it's full of love and beauty. We saw it's potential and the location was just right. Central to everything, tree lined streets, quaint neighborhood where everyone seems to take pride in their home, and only 9 minutes from Eric's work. We'd looked at a lot of dumpy homes with Julia in our price range and this home was the best we'd seen in months and it was in great condition compared to many other homes (we didn't want new or newer construction). We're in love with our home and we love being in it. It's been nice to put our roots down and make it ours. A dream come true for sure!

Overall it was really fun and weird to watch ourselves on TV. An unreal experience for sure! Leila was pointing and saying, "mommy, daddy!". She loved watching herself on TV. We filmed for days and I feel like it was the shortest show ever. It was interesting to see what they decided to air and what they left out. I mean we only have 22 minutes! Thank you to those friends and family members who supported us and watched along.


  1. ugh i want to watch it! can i watch it online?!?!!? i cant believe they showed you falling off the lift... how mean!

  2. I LOVED IT! You guys were great, and your home is perfect :) Miss you guys!!!

  3. i want to watch it so bad! we didn't get to see it the night it aired but i'll see it for sure at your party, if not before! maybe i'll try to see if its online somehow.. (by the way, i love that he filmed your reactions watching it!)

  4. Okey movies stars it was a wonderful show I love it dad tape it and I have been watching it over and over again. love it.
