Saturday, October 4, 2008

last day

the very last thing from our trip. one of my other favorite parts about going home is seeing my friends. living in utah i don't keep in touch with my friends as often as i should...but i've come to find out that when months go by and we haven't talked, when we finally do it seems as if nothing has changed. that's when you know they're friends for life.

i met up with claudia and veronica...we had a girls night out, shopping and dinner...what we did back in the day, what girls like to do most. we went to the mall...then to chevy's, one of our favorite restaurants to go to during high school. i'm sad chevy's didn't do too well in utah...there aren't any left! we didn't do very much damage, but sill got some good stuff.

the last day of our trip (my real birthday) my mom made me one of my favorite dishes, pozole and ice cream cake for breakfast - it had to be for breakfast because we needed to get on the road by 11am because we were going to stop in davis to see some more friends: kike (who's like my cousin, our mom's were pregnant at the same time so we grew up together), adriana (we've been in school together since elementary), and veronica (just since high school, but we're such good friends). we stopped to have lunch...kike picked the spot, a famous pizza place in davis. it's actually pretty cool because you get a percentage off of your meal for how old you are, since i was turning 22, they gave us 22% off our entire order! we chatted for hours on old times and how we are was the best birthday because i got to spend it with friends and family. we loved davis so much, we're thinking of moving there when we both finish school. it's a cute, safe little town, and perfect because it's about 1.5 hours away from my family and 2 hours away from lake tahoe - the snow is close by so we can still go snowboarding and we'll be close to my family and eric's sister! it's also a little cheaper to live because it's not in the bay area - a definate plus! this isn't set in stone...but it's fun to dream and think about!
yay...i'm done typing up our trip...almost took me as long to blog about our trip to the philippines! i know, i just like blogging by day, its kind of annoying but thats me.


  1. I love taking pictures too. It's so frustrating when I realize I don't have my camera so I won't be able to scrapbook the event. That's when I've got to blog about it to remember it later. I love keeping in touch with old friends. Good for you, because not everyone does that, and being a good friend is a great quality.

  2. Glad to hear your trip was fun. And I do what you do as well, I have 6 posts I need to do, but I have to do them in order.

  3. Cyndo well is 11:12 p.m. and I just finish reading your blog I enjoy it a lot it's fun watching you and Eric having fun. The bike ride looks scary to me all those narrow roads.Keep enjoying life hubby, friends and family. Love mom
