Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Time!

Since we went to Greg and Shasta's neck of the woods last week, they came to ours this week, this time to carve pumpkins. We didn't have time to go to a pumpkin patch like I wanted, so we got our pumpkins at a grocery store. Smith's had a pretty good selection, we got 2 perfect round and 2 oddly shaped. "Please do not step on the pumpkins"...haha glad I didn't smash any to pieces!We bought the little books for carving pumpkins with "scary" designs and handy dandy tools to work with. We thought it would go by fast until halfway through tracing our faces Shasta, Eric and I realized our designs were rated 3 out of 4 pumpkins on difficulty, Greg was the first to finish because he got an easy one, only 1 out of 4 pumpkins, meaning it's easy for beginners. Ours were cooler looking so we stuck with it :)

By the end it kind of became a race, I finished 2nd, Shasta 3rd and Eric last. His was the hardest one, very intricate and detailed. We endured to the end and here is the end result.

I had left over costume award ribbons from our Halloween party last year that I awarded our cute little pumpkins. Greg got scariest "costume" with the skull, Shasta creepiest "costume" with the spider, Eric BEST "costume" with the haunted house, and me most original "costume" with the cute little monster.
Here is how they look all pretty lined up on our front porch steps:
Last year, right after Greg and Shasta finished carving their pumpkins they put them on the porch and ran inside to grab the camera to snap a photo. By the time they came back someone had STOLE their pumpkins! How SHADY, honestly, who steals pumpkins??(who knows, maybe it's because they live in Salt Lake, jk)! They were hesitant to take them home this year but we encouraged them it wont happen again...hopefully no one steals our cute pumpkins, so far so good!


  1. Those are so cute. I mean scary! What fun. We didn't carve pumpkins this year. Carving is getting so fancy, like yours, I think my regular Jack o' Lanterns would bad anyway.
