Tuesday, August 9, 2011

12 Months

Leila, it's been one year. You've come so far, we've all come so far. You've more than doubled your birth weight and in one year you have learned to sit up, crawl, pull yourself up, stand and climb. You've eaten everything from a banana to Thai food and almost everything in between. You've been on 6 flights, 1 road tip, and visited 3 states. You've learned to wave, play peek-a-boo, clap your hands, brush your hair, and give and blow kisses. You can say mamma, dadda, baby (bay-bee), boo, ba, hi and bye. I don't know what "baby" means to you but you say it all the time and to everything. You can sign "milk" and are almost mastering "all done" and "more". You have 4 teeth and 2 more on the way.

You love to feed yourself and are typically up to try anything. When you don't like something you spit it out and when you're full you like to throw your food (sometimes with attitude) over the side of your high chair. I'm trying to figure out how to rid you of that habit because it drives me crazy! You love love love yogurt, watermelon, and grapes but aren't too fond of eggs or red meat.

By far the most big kid thing you're doing right now is riding your rocking horse. You can pop tail stalls on that thing and can kinda say "ye haw". If you're feeling down or upset, the three absolute fail safes are riding on your horsey, riding on daddy's shoulders, or playing with the piano abuelita got you. You play so well by yourself and with your little friends. But we're still learning how to share.

You're such a toddler now, getting into everything and exploring. Seems like you always have scrapes and bruises on your knees and face from crawling around and climbing on things. I promise I'm a good mom but you want to do things on your own, causing you to get hurt sometimes. You're learning, we all are. You especially love exploring at the park, playing with tan bark, crawling on the grass, and playing on the swings.

Climbing on our side tables.
You like to walk while we hold your hands but the moment we let go, you throw a fit. I know you'll break into it soon, you're almost there because you're definitely a fan of doing things on your own but on your own time. You were a late crawler and I think you're gonna take your time with walking too. "I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T do you know what that means?" -Webbie. Yeah, this song reminds us of you.

You crack us up when you find something you like that fits in the palm of your hand because you never let go of it until you can replace it with something better (chapstick, binky, tan bark, anything). Usually you'll be crawling around with something hidden in those hands of yours. And the only way you'll stay still when we change your little bum is if you hold something to distract you, keys work the best. Let me tell you, LM, that changing your bum has become a bigger pain the older you get.

You're still a wiggle worm, but thankfully now like to sit on mommy's lap when we read books. Before we could only get through 1-2 books (and that's if we read them fast while skipping words or pages) and now you can sit through 4-5 whole books. Your favorite thing about reading is turning the pages. Sometimes you'll give the little characters in the books kisses, it's the cutest thing. You love all books but your favorites are: Ten Little Ladybugs, Zoo's Who, and Moo Baa La La La.

This summer you've completed your first swimming lessons and aren't afraid to get your head dunked under water. You're gonna be a brave little swimmer.

Getting sick over the 4th of July was a horrible experience but one of the best things to happen to us...because now you're sleeping through the night. When you got sick you went days without eating or drinking very much, so when you woke up for your 5am bottle you weren't interested. Three nights of that and you were cured! Now, for the past month and a half you sleep 11-12 hours straight. Alleluia! Now I don't have to worry about weaning you off your midnight feeding and having a toddler that doesn't sleep through the night is not cool. Thank you for doing it on your own. You saved us lots of headaches.

You're a curious little girl and sometimes have a very concerned look on your face. I think it's because you're thinking really hard and trying to figure out the world around you.

I feel like lately we're always closing doors in your face. Anytime the bathroom door or front door opens, you make a mad dash towards it. I understand why you want to go outside but I don't know what your fascination is with the bathroom but it's your favorite place in the house.

You're starting to understand certain things. You know when we call your name, respond to "no", understand certain phrases, and imitate us (sounds and actions).

You don't have full blown tantrums, but you sure know how to dramatically collapse on the floor, head down and wailing like its the end of the world that I took something away - or sometimes for no apparent reason. Luckily, you're still very distractable and redirection works wonders.

Leila, we love you lots but you've definitely been a baby who has given us a run for our money. There was one day in particular that I really needed to hear this quote: "A sweet and obedient child will enroll a father or mother only in Parenting 101. If you are blessed with a child who tests your patience to the nth degree, you will be enrolled in Parenting 505. Rather than wonder what you might have done wrong in the premortal life to be so deserving, you might consider the more challenging child a blessing and opportunity to become more godlike yourself. With which child will your patience, long-suffering, and other Christlike virtues most likely be tested, developed, and refined? Could it be possible that you need this child as much as this child needs you?" - Elder Lynn G. Robbins 

I think you've enrolled us somehwere around parenting 303 and 404. You've taught us a lot about patience, something I need to learn a lot about. You have a strong personality but we love you just the same. We're trying to decide where you get it from...think it's from your daddy because Grandma Fuessel said he was a little stinker when he was a baby. We have great days and hard days but have loved every minute of our schooling.

Leila, this is the end of an era. You're an awesome little girl and the best thing to ever happen to us. You've taught us so much more in one year than we've learned our entire life. This is absolutely true. We're blessed to have such a little sweetheart in our lives, who makes us laugh, giggle, sigh and cry from happiness. I could go on and on and on with stories, thoughts, blessings, and love bursts.

You have lots of little friends and at least 100 people who love you. You have two parents who couldn't be more proud or more lucky to call you their daughter.

Love you my little LM.




  1. Wow, Leila such a smart baby you are learning so much and growing. You are so blessed to have such wonderful parents that love you and more than 100 people that love you right cynthia. Good night my love ones

  2. Love her teeth! So cute! I want to hear her talk, we need to see you guys again! And if you ever figure out how to break the habit of her throwing her food let me know cause Mason does the same thing. How wonderful that she is sleeping all night! I love the quote about the parenting course level. We love our children so much and they are everything to us. They love us just as much and what a blessing they are to us and we are to them.

  3. "i always feel like we are closing doors in your face" hahaha true story. poor kids. im pretty sure jadie has that same ruffle skirt. count me as one of the 100!
