Monday, August 15, 2011

The Hills are Alive

...with The Sound of Music!!!

Hands down, this is my favorite movie of all time. I'd watch it with my sister and my mom over and over again. If I'm down, The Sound of Music (and the soundtrack) will always cheer me up and I sing Edelweiss and Favorite Things to Leila on the daily.

I was stoked when we saw the billboard that The Sound of Music was playing at Sundance. No ifs, ands, or butts...we were going. We waited 'til the last minute to buy tickets and they were completely SOLD OUT! To say that I was devastated was an understatement.

We had to find a way to see the show...and my sweet husband did. He was able to work his magic and surprised me with tickets. Eric tried to keep it a surprise until the night of the show (he's not very good at keeping secrets from me) and when he spilled the beans I was would've thought I won the lottery.

The resort's outdoor summer theater was perfect for this play and offered amazing views of Mt. Timpanogos. We were able to snuggle on a blanket under the stars.

I may or may not have gotten emotional several times during the show and possibly even got a lump in my throat when Captain von Trapp sang Edelweiss.

BONUS: It was a sing along version so Eric and I both (we were both surprised by how many songs he knew) were able to sing with the audience.

This was definitely a highlight of my Summer.


  1. aw i love that eric got you tickets! what a good husband. you two are so cute!
