Wednesday, October 5, 2011


..and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

When Eric and I were dating, Mike and Eileen invited me to watch this play with them...and only them. It was like our "first date" because Eric couldn't join us. So this was the true test, if I could chill with my in-laws without the comfort of Eric's company, then we were alright. You'd think it would've been awkward, but it wasn't. My in-laws are pretty awesome like that and we get along so well. After all, you marry the family so they (or I) passed the test.

I really liked the play and was entertained but to be honest, it was a little shy from amazing - for me anyway. I hadn't heard of the play and didn't really grow up watching it would've helped if I knew the story (which I should since it's in the Bible) and songs.

Since it was playing at the Hale Center Theater in Salt Lake, Eileen bought tickets so we could "rekindle" our first date and so I could give it a second chance - apparently it had rave reviews. The men were nice enough to watch the kiddos while we had a girls night out.

Well, I eat my words because this show knocked my socks off! Dare I say it was better than The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins (my two most favorite movies on the planet that hold a special place in my heart)?Yup, it's a close tie...or maybe beats it by a hair, I dunno but the show was pretty amazing.

This version of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was off the hook - it was so lively and upbeat. The costumes, dancing, and music were phenomenal. We couldn't stop raving about how wonderful it was on the way home.

If I would have seen this particular play as a kid, I know I would've told my mom to put me in acting classes. If that would've happened, I'd totally be a thespian instead of a "social worker" (I say that in quotes because I only have my bachelors). Now, if I only had the voice. Too bad I can't carry a tune like my mother.  So much for that dream...but like Joseph says, any dream will do. Just love the message of the whole play.


  1. Next to Phantom, probably my favorite musical. I got to see it a couple of times when Donnie Osmond was Joseph and seriously, it's hard to explain to people(esp. Adam hehe) the exhilaration of the theater, but I think you know exactly the feeling I'm describing. ;)

  2. No Idea you were into Social work, I tried that for a few semesters didn't work I would almost cry every night or asked R for money to give to "them" ba ha!.. It is an amazing vocation good job!

  3. I am so happy you had great night out and had fun. Cyndol you have better singing voice than me, abuelito will say to me Lety are you singing or crying. And I will say papi estoy cantando!
