Monday, July 25, 2011

Leila's Birthday Part Dos

I love that Leila's birthday falls in the middle of Summer, summer birthdays are always the best because the weather is great and you can play outside...which is exactly what we did. This was my first time hosting a party and we celebrated at Mt. Timponogos Park. Everything worked out perfectly...except that in all the hurrying I forgot some of the food at home and didn't realize it until party time but luckily my dad and Ashlee came to the rescue and our friends and family were very patient...oh and I didn't have time to put an ounce of makeup on so that's why I'm wearing my glasses most of the party.

About a week before Leila's big day, she started wanting to take her naps at noon which was the time of the celebration. We tried to put her down before but she wasn't ready so she was a little exhausted during her party but was still a champ and we could tell she had a ball.

In Mexico, the 1st birthday is a huge celebration! They go all out, not only because it's a birthday, but because of what this birthday represents. The 1st birthday is so important because your child has overcame the first year of life where so many things can go wrong. Well Leila is a happy and healthy little girl so we have a reason to have a celebration! My family wanted to celebrate this special event didn't want to miss it for the world so my parents, sister, and niece all drove up from California to party it up with Leila. This meant the world to me and made this day so much more special for us.

Aside from my family, Eric's family came from out of town for the festivities as well. Kimberly came from Colorado and Aunt Janelle was in town from Texas. We also had our closest friends and Leila's play date buddies.

I think we can all tell who the birthday girl is. Yes, the hat is a little over the top but I love it.

Eric was the grilling master and spent most of the party keeping lemon-chicken and veggie kabobs hot off the grill for the gyros. He was so busy at the grill he isn't in very many pictures.

Time to hit the pinata! It's not a party without a pinata and we will always have one at our parties. Ashlee and my mom were in Mexico a week before Leila's birthday and lovingly brought it back from Mexico just for her.

My nephew Samuel broke the pinata so we could all eat the melted chocolate.

Time to eat cake! The second I put the cake down on her tray, Leila grabbed it and started going to town! She was not shy at all and probably could've killed the entire thing if we let her. Yup, that's our girl.

She actually didn't get as messy as I thought...time for birthday outfit #2.

This is my favorite picture of the day. Leila loves giving kisses and loves her abuelo.

Thanks to our friends and family, Leila has toys and books coming out of her ears. She'll be entertained until her 2nd birthday.

Manuel takes care of the park and keeps it looking beautiful. We got chatting when I went to scope out the pavilion for decorations a couple weeks back. Glad we made friends because he helped us out a ton. Let's just say the walk from the parking lot to the pavillion isn't short and he put everything in his cart and drove us back and forth in that thing and saved a million trips to and from the car. Such a nice guy. 

We were all pooped by the end of the party and were ready for some R&R, especially the birthday girl.

A BIG THANKS to all our wonderful friends and family who helped in celebrating this special day with us. We love you all!


  1. Wow! That has to be the best first birthday party I've ever seen! Winning!!

  2. Hayyyy! I felt like I was there all over again,I love the pictures it was so much fun,let's do it again.

  3. that picture if leila and her abuelo is priceless!!!!! you have to frame that thing.

  4. What fun photos! Beautiful day for a beautiful girl, Leila! Happy Birthday Leila, we miss you :)
