Friday, July 1, 2011

Teething and then some

We've called the pediatrician a handful of times this week because her desire to eat hasn't gotten any better. The nurse said it's more important that she drink fluids (water, juice, pedialyte) than to eat food. We are supposed to monitor Leila for signs of dehydration and make sure she's having wet diapers.

It's still been a struggle to get Leila to eat or drink anything at all and we are very concerned parents. String cheese, yogurt, and water are all that seem to interest her at the moment - the nurse said as long as she's eating something and drinking that's all that matters. But my motherly instincts are telling me that teething might not be the only thing that's wrong with her. I called the Dr. before we were getting ready to put her to bed last night because it'd been a couple hours since she drank anything and she absolutely refused to drink water before we put her down. This isn't right and after explaining her situation to the after hours nurse they asked that we bring her in to check out her weight and see if there's something else going on, maybe an ear infection. Wonderful, this will make me feel better before we head to Parowan tomorrow.

We decided to cancel our plans to Moab for this weekend and eat the deposit for the cabin. If Leila's borderline dehydrated then we don't want to make it worse by being in 100 degree weather. Since we have a 3 day weekend we decided to still get out of town and visit Danny and Cathy in Parowan - still only 3 hours away. They were going to meet us in Moab anyway but Parowan is cooler and will be better for the little ones...and Zion's National Park is only an hour away so we can still get in some hiking and break in our new Deuter backpack.  

Leila weighed in at 19 lbs 4 oz so she's good there and no ear infection. Yay. But the Dr. did find white spots on her tonsils. He said it looked like yeast but he's never seen anything quite like it. What? Really? Oh wonderful. Then he used the word "unusual", something you never want to hear a doctor say! Well this would explain why she woke up this morning sounding hoarse, and maybe it hurts to swallow. My poor baby! He gave us a treatment for yeast to see if that helps because he doesn't know exactly what it is and told us to come in by Saturday morning if she doesn't get better. The good news is she's not dehydrated but she may be borderline, the doctor wasn't too worried about that and more worried about her throat. He said even if she gets a couple sips of water, that's good enough. I was so shocked to hear that she didn't need to drink or eat very much, a little bit of water every 30 minutes will do. 

We told the Dr. of our plans for this weekend and he said we should cancel them and stay home, at least until she starts feeling better. Since he doesn't know if what she has is contagious we don't want to risk getting little Ashlynn sick so we'll stay in this weekend, I feel better about that. I don't want to be running around dragging Leila along when she's not feeling well. Not ideal for the 4th of July weekend but we want our little Leila to get better soon...after all we have grand plans for next weekend and she needs to be 100% better. 

All Leila wants to do is be held...and I'm fine with that. 


  1. awww poor baby!!! i hope she starts feeling better for you soon. its probably because she misses jadie so much. just a possibility.

  2. crap im signed in as my mom.

  3. I hope Leila is doing better! It's always sad when they are not feeling well but I always loved holding them and cuddling with them because they just want to be held. You are a great Mommy!

  4. Thank goodness , she is all better, babies get sick and we all feel sad. Party she got better for her birthday!!!
