Eric and I took a road trip home to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday over Easter. My sister planned a surprise party and we were one of the surprises, along with my brother Jimmy, he came down from Oregon. This gathering was the first time the whole family has been together in more than 4 I was really looking forward to this trip.
We arrived at my sisters house on Friday at the wee hours of the morning. We surprised my dad that night at dinner in San Francisco, we were supposed to surprise him on Saturday, the day of the Pachanga, the plans changed and we really couldn't wait that long to see him, we decided to surprise him at dinner. So my sister made reservations at Morton's Steakhouse because my dad was craving it and had heard this place had amazing steak. It better have because when we looked at the menu it about blew our socks off, it was the most expensive restaurant Eric and I had ever been to. We waited for my parents in the lobby and were going to surprise my dad there. When he walked in he took a double look at us, and had the biggest surprise on his face, it was priceless! He had a hunch we were coming because some people just can't keep secrets, but he was still shocked. Here are some pictures from that day.

Since we were going to be all together, I wanted to get family pictures. Well, here is our attempt at that...we're missing Annette (Jimmy's wife) and my two nephews Kelley and Samuel, those kids were off running around somewhere! We were supposed to get them professionally done, but nothing ever goes as planned in my family! This is kind of a random shot, didn't think this would be all we got!
Here is my crazy brother with his Mexican jersey and his American flag bandanna, if it isn't obvious, he is very proud of both countries!
Kelley is such a cutie, he couldn't stop climbing on my back.
Here we are getting our food, it was delicious! We had carne asada, BBQ chicken, beans, my sisters weird pink pasta salad (which i don't recommend), and a lot more delicious food!
Its birthday cake time! You can tell this was my mom's doing, she is so crazy! Gotta love her!
The three siblings, Billy never seems to make it in the pictures, I don't know where he was off to. Probably talking someones ear off :)
Samuel hates getting his picture taken, hence why he's not in any of my pictures. But we managed to get a good shot of him hitting the Pinata (blogger wont let me do the fancy "n"). You can't see the pinata, but you better believe we had one!
Here are los invitados:
My dad is the only Gringo in that picture! It was a fun day, thanks for having a birthday Dad!
It looks like you guys had SO MUCH fun!! I LOVE going home!