Saturday, May 23, 2009

graduation: class of 2009!

On May 1st, 2009 I officially felt like a college graduate...I was officially a college grad back in December but having the opportunity to walk with my class gave me a greater sense of accomplishment. I've learned so much in the 4 1/2 years I've attended UVU. I'm proud of myself and this has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, I'm extra pumped because I'm the first in my family to graduate with a bachelor's degree.

I loved the moment when we were preparing to walk down the hallway and into the McKay Events Center. It was a sad day knowing I'd probably never see my friends again but it was fun talking about where we'd end up and accomplish in our future. 

On either side of the aisle were all the Social Science and Humanities professors. I felt very powerful when we started heading down the aisle that lead us to our seats...having my friends in front and behind me and my professors and mentors on either side made me feel that much more important. I became very close to several of  my professors and will never forget all that they taught me. I saw Liz Andrus (an adjunct teacher, my scholarship advisor, and my friend), Dr. Jensen (my group therapy professor, mentor, positive psychology internship leader, and friend), and many other professors. I felt like an individual as they congratulated, waived, and hugged me as I walked by. Even better was having my friends and family in the crowd to support me and cheer me on.

Here I am as I'm turning the corner to find my seat, my dad got a pretty good action shot. Eric and my dad kept yelling at me to slow down, but I couldn't hold the line with picture taking.
And there I am getting my empty diploma holder. Apparently, I'm deaf because everyone said they kept yelling my name and I wouldn't turn to look at them - I looked for them in the crowd but there were so many people it was hard to find them...eventually I did tho. My mom even called me Monkey for not looking at them, that's her nice term for calling me a brat.

We didn't sit in alphabetical order and luckily I found 2 of my favorite classmates, Heather and Bethany. We kept each other entertained during the long ceremony. Heather was so nervous she was going to pass out. I just didn't want to trip on my over sized gown.

Commencement followed the Humanities and Social Sciences ceremony. This was a very special commencement for UVU because not only were we the FIRST GRADUATING CLASS OF UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY, but President Monson was our special guest speaker. The First Presidency was there to support us (or him) too. How did UVU get the Prophet as a guest speaker and not BYU? After having to clear the event center for commencment I found my family...then back down to get in line. After we found our seats for a second time, I saw the prophet right in front of me and I seriously couldn't control myself, I was so excited to be so close to him. His speech was amazing and he even received an Honorary Doctorate Degree, so did Sister Monson, and a few other people.

Having the Prophet speak was a huge perk, especially for my family because it made a long 4 hours of calling out names and speeches that much more bearable and worth it. My brother Billy was probably the most excited of them all. After it was all over I was able to find my favorite people!
Me and my mom. I love her so much and am thankful for her love and support.
Jalaine and my mother in law. Thank you Eileen for also supporting me and I'm lucky to have you as a second mother.
Lexi did pretty well at graduation, she looks so excited to see me! I just love that girl, she is so dang cute. Glad she made it through the ceremonies and wasn't too bored and antsy. Here is a current update on Lexi, she can now say my name! Before, as in a couple days ago, she would always call me Eric because Eric and I were always together and she knew us as Eric (and its easier to say) but we've been teaching her how to say CYN-THI-A and finally she can say it, very crisp and clear. Before it was cee-ya. It is the cutest thing I've ever heard.

One day she may even attend UVU! GO WOLVERINES!

That's right, my tassel is on the LEFT side...meaning I'm graduated! WOOT WOOT!

Me and Eric, my favorite person on earth. Thanks Eric for supporting me through EVERYTHING, your love and support can get me through anything. You are my rock and I love you! Only one more year until we get to do this all over again but in your honor! I can't wait.

Mom and Dad! Thanks Mom and Dad for supporting me in my education and for pushing me to come out to Utah. I don't know where I would be had I not moved out here, I love you guys so much and thanks for celebrating this special day with too Billy and Iris!

My brother Billy and his wife Iris.
Here are our close/great friends that we do everything with: Jalaine, Greg and Lexi. Thanks for coming out and sitting through that long ceremony. You guys ROCK! And a special shout out to Greg for taking the day off work to come to my graduation! Greg, your's is coming up soon, you better believe Eric and I will be there!

The whole reason I moved out to Utah was in part to this wonderful man: Dr. Bezzant. He presented me with an opportunity to go to school at Utah Valley State College. I had my heart set on attending San Jose Sate University, I already had my classes, my roommates, and my apartment. Two months before the Fall 2004 semester started, I had a meeting with Dr. Bezzant back home and he told me about the Golden Gate Scholarship foundation. This scholarship gave me the chance of a lifetime, to go to school for free and get a full ride scholarship (plus a monthly stipend). Boyd and Jill Smith are the most loving and giving people I know. They are the creators and founders of this scholarship. They are a very wealthy couple in my Stake back home and they started a foundation for minority students in my stake to attend school at UVSC and to be surrounded by members of the Church. Hesitant, I decided to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity (after much consideration and hours of crying) and pack up and move to UTAH. I registered for UVSC a week before classes started, we packed the car and we were off. This move was the hardest thing I've ever done. I left everything I knew back family and friends. I left with such short notice, I barely had time to mentally prepare myself for the big move. The good news is I loved it so much my parents didn't even have to ask me if I wanted to stay one more year.

Since the Smith's live back home, they employed Dr. Bezzant, who is the UVU Assistant Vice President for University Partnerships, to look over the students on the scholarship. He oversaw everything we did on the scholarship. Liz Andrus, who is a counselor and adjunct faculty at UVU is our scholarship advisor. She was there to give us a home away from home and help us get through school, we met with her weekly and that helped keep me on track. 

With the help of the Smith's, Dr. Bezzant, and Liz Andrus, I graduated from UVU debt free and graduating as a better person than I was when I moved here. I owe them everything and am so grateful to have known such wonderful and giving people. In fact, my first year here Boyd and Jill Smith received an Honorary Doctorate Degrees from UVSC at graduation, just like President Monson and Sister Monson. Boyd Smith received the degree of Business and Jill Smith received an Honorary Degree of Humane Letters. That just shows what wonderful people they are.

After all the picture taking, Dr. Bezzant invited my family and I into his office, there we had one of the most profound and moving conversations of my life. He gave me advice and spoke so fondly of me to my parents. He made me feel like I was the best person in the world, but in reality, he is. I admire him so much. He even suggested that I sit in his chair in his beautiful office and take pictures. I will remember this day forever, and will remember all the wonderful people that helped me get where I am today.

Like President Monson said to the graduating class of 2009: "the two most important words are these: thank you".
To celebrate, all 11 of us (Greg, Eric's brother, was kind enough to meet us after graduation) headed to Tucano's Brazilian Grill for lunch. It was delicious and I knew my family would love it. Especially Billy. He loves buffet's and can pound a lot of food, ha ha.
I'm so blessed to be surrounded by so many loving people. I have strong ties at UVU and am a proud Wolverine. Go Green!


  1. YAY CYNDO!!!! Congrats woman let's celebrate! :)

  2. What an amazing day! It was so fun to read and you told it so well. Way to go, girl.

  3. Congrats! I am so excited and happy for you. Looks like you had an amazing day and I'm so glad your fam were able to come down! For grad - you need to make a trip to Ohio!!

  4. Congratulations on your graduation!! It sounds like it was a wonderful day for you!
