Wednesday, January 26, 2011


(This is a really horrible picture because I'm starting the Project 365 tonight at like 8:00pm and I hadn't taken any pictures today. So this is Leila at 6 1/2 months playing right before bedtime...taken with my iPhone).

It was a good day today. We did a lot of playing. I went to a mommy and me class was our first day trial and we loved it. We twirled, we danced, we played, we massaged, we mingled. I think we'll go back, that is unless we like The Little Gym better. Tomorrow is our free trial class there...lets see who wins our time and money.

After work we played some more. Some friends and I are starting a playgroup. Its more like mommy and mommy time while the kids stare and poke at each other.
We discuss so many things and can't even finish one thought before starting another. Today we focused a lot on how to raise our children. Allowing your children to watch TV or not, letting them cry it out or not, making your own baby food or buying from the store, organic or not, etc. etc. etc. There are so many things to consider when raising your children and it just seems like everyone has a opinion about everything and people read into things too much. Ultimately you must do what you feel is right for you and your baby, but its hard when there are so many reports and studies out there saying otherwise.

Currently, Eric and I feel strongly about not letting Leila watch TV until she's two. Read more about no tv until 2 here and here.
Additionally, I make Leila's baby food. This is the best website that tells you all the in's and out's of wholesome baby food.

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