Monday, January 31, 2011

31/365: Landmark List

I love Studio 5. There is always something on the show that gets me thinking/motivates me to better my life (they also have awesome crafts...gosh I've turned so domestic). Today they talked about making a landmark list, similar to a bucket list. Like a bucket list, you write down the things you want to do before you die. Well, how do you know what you live for? You have to write down the moments that bring you joy DAILY; hence creating a Landmark List! This can help you find meaning in your life.

We can derive meaning from our relationships. Family, friends, and loved ones are usually the first things we think of when we talk about what makes life good.
Taking action:
This includes the activities that fill our time, hard work, professional careers, or hobbies. Even though some elements of work are unpleasant, they produce natural results of accomplishment. We can include both leisure activities and things that take effort. We may have to try something in order to discover what brings us energy and a sense of renewal.
Simple joys:
These will include things like traditions, favorites, participation, and enjoyable quirks. There will be times that both spontaneous involvement and established traditions give us energy. Learn the little things that you get excited about.
Art, literature, nature, music, learning, sharing in customs, and creating something new can bring a sense of meaning to life. Instead of focusing on being entertained, look at how the arts can refresh you. These things can stir us and make us excited about life
Values and determination:
Recognizing values, understanding motives, and creating yourself can bring more meaning out of life. Feelings of worth don't go very far without developing a purpose to go with it. It will also be difficult to find purpose out of life if you don't feel like a person of worth.

My Landmark List...or as I like to call it, the things that bring me joy:
Eric, Leila, family and friends.
My close relationships with these people bring me the most happiness in life.
Switching shifts at work and chatting with my co-workers
When my favorite tenant comes into the office to pay
taking action:
cleaning the house (I love a clean house)
blogging/reading other peoples blog
watching my favorite tv show with the hubs (at the moment it is The Bachelor)
simple joys:
long hot showers
smell of rain
dancing around the house with my little leila
chatting with Eric online while he is at work
singing in the car
putting on red lipstick
straight hair
smell of rain
wearing my mumu
climbing into bed
clothes right out of the dryer
eating dinner together as a family
when eric walks in the door from work
holding my babe when she is asleep
chocolate/peanut butter/cupcakes
nursing my little babe
dreaming about our future home with Eric (its a daily thing now)
tickling Leila and making her laugh
taking pictures of anything and everything
getting my craft on
new pillows
making dinner with Eric
snuggling on the couch after we put Leila down for bed
reading a good book
attending a play
discussing great ideas
getting an education
eating food from different countries
talking to people from a different culture
watching the travel channel
values and determination:
taking time to laugh
being on time - an accomplishment for me
being optimistic in the face of struggle
traveling to different countries

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