Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project 365

I'm backlogged and overwhelmed. There are a handful of blogs I follow, from Mormon fashion blogs to craft and cooking blogs to cool mommy blogs. But why can't I take the time to blog about the little things that give meaning to my life?
I've been meaning to blog for so long...but I'm always playing the catch up game...overwhelmed. Where do I start? Do I go back? If so, how far? Or do I just start now? But what about all the exciting stuff that happened last week, last month, yesterday?
I would LOVE to document everything but its so much harder to go back. I say, the heck with it. As much as it hurts not to have posted about my pregnancy and the first 6 months of Leila's beautiful life, I'm starting today.
(I will post about last year in my work in progress
"Reviewed: The year 2010" post).

In all the blogs I follow, today I stumbled upon a blog, that lead me to another blog, that lead me to this article. I'm sure you all know how that goes. I am starting a new project called
Project 365.
In short, I am going to start taking a photo a day for a year.

I love taking pictures so that part wont be hard, its finding things that will be interesting and post-worthy that will be the challenge.
I really want to start it so I can be able to look back on any day and recall what I did, what I ate, who I met, where I went, and most importantly what milestones Leila has accomplished and how she has grown/changed. I mean its hard for me to remember what I did last week, let alone yesterday so I am so excited to start this new project.

Taylor McKnight posts these 6 tips to help you create your Project 365:
1. Bring your camera everywhere - check, not a problem for me.
2. Make posting easy
3. Vary your themes - this will be the challenge since I work 10 ft from my house 20 hrs a week, and a stay at home mom the rest of the week.
4. Tell a story
5. Don't stop, no matter what
6. Post early, post often

So my Project 365 starts today. Right here, right now.

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