Monday, September 19, 2011

$50 Bet

The BET:
If Leila starts walking by September 19th, Eric gets $50. If she doesn't then the $50 are mine!

The Story:
On August 19th Eric said, "Leila's gonna be walking in no time, I give her a month." We all know our little girl is stubborn and moves at her own pace so I said, "HA! Yeah right, not that I doubt my daughter's ability to walk but I know her well enough to know that she's just not quite there yet, almost, but not quite." So we bet on it and placed $50 bucks on the table. Believe me, I wanted to lose this bet.

Leila's come a long way since August 19th. Before she mastered crawling, she used to love to not only walk, but march as we held her hands. Since she's learned to crawl, she has no desire to walk with us and instead bends her knees and falls to the floor.

Because of our bet, we've been working with her to learn to walk. About 2 weeks ago she started walking along with us while holding only one hand. Holding one hand, she can walk from our bedroom to her room no problem and the other day we walked into Target together. It was the cutest thing, she's still really wobbly and looses her balance but she's getting there. I give her one more month.

Bet's over and the $50 belong to me.


  1. so what are you doing with the $50??? saving it for Thunder Down Under in november?

  2. I Think the $50.00 Bucks should be for Leila because she is doing all the hard work, so mom and dad Leila wins no matter what. Ja, Ja, Abuela

  3. I was wondering who had won the $50. I like your mom's idea, go spoil Leila :)
