Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strike Two

Eric and I rarely fight and when we do it's usually only about these 3 things:
1. What's for dinner
2. Who has control of the remote (we're always throwing it back and forth because neither one of us want to decide what to watch...sometimes)
3. Who broke my glasses when we were dating

Yup, when we were dating Eric broke my glasses. I set them on the floor so they were "out of the way". Next thing you know I hear a crunch and he hands me my broken glasses! Eric has the nerve to blame me since I set them there. Don't think so babe, since he physically broke them it's his fault. He doesn't even have a case.

Sunday was strike 2. We were wrestling on the bed (it was legit, with punches and nails) and I set my glasses on the edge of the bed so they wouldn't get hurt. Well, Eric decides to throw me on the other side of the bed, causing me to land right on my glasses. Again, he physically threw me on glasses so it's his fault. Right?

Who's at fault here?


  1. hahaha okay if eric physically threw you on the glasses then i'm blaming him for sure!

  2. Oh hands down sweetheart, it was all his falt!

  3. That acusation is absurd, YOU were the one who stepped on them after I moved them when we were dating.

    This is a lost cause sweetheart, lost cause.

  4. as much as i love you, i'm taking eric's side. as a glass wearer myself, i would never put my glasses on the floor to keep them "out of the way". as for the bed, again, your fault. you should have put them on the night stand, dresser, whatever. you were smart enough to take them off your face, why arent you smart enough to put them somewhere safe? might as well left them on your head!

  5. Your fault. You should have punched him out or taped him up. Just ask his sister.

  6. Woow! this is fun to play this game. I blame both, just being kids and having fun. Cynthia, tell Eric time out let me put away my glasses. ja,ja, have fun and enjoy, love you both.
