Friday, September 9, 2011

Last Supper

For the big 2-5 Erin, Cristina, and I planned a night out for mocktails (gives you all the fun of a cocktail without the bite...only in Provo, of course) without the little ones. Eric and I haven't been on a group date since pre-Leila and it was much needed; we let loose and laughed all night long. We didn't have a worry in the world because we had no babies to entertain and keep happy - actually that's a lie, we were all sad because we knew Erin and James were moving to Vegas. So this dinner was also in their honor.

I stole this quote from Erin's blog. I love what she said and it made me feel all warm inside; I don't want to forget it:

"It was Cynthia's birthday so we got together (without babies) at Spark, had mocktails (hahaha) and just enjoyed each others company. I finally hit gold with friends that I feel SO comfortable around, and our babies are all the same age (and girls). All the girls are from the Bay Area too, and our personalities just mesh together so well. Unfortunately, now we're gone, but at least I helped Cristina and Cynthia find one another and they can continue to live it up together. I pray every night these two will visit sometime. :) Nothing beats taking pictures acting like you're teenagers."

Erin and Cristina have been best friends since high school...I think if I would have grown up in Pleasanton, CA we would have been like the 3 musketeers. When I met Erin about a year ago, she and I hit it off almost right away and included me into her circle of friends (Cristina). At the beginning of the year, the three of us had a play date since our girls were the same age. We talked for hours and the girls played together so well, I instantly loved Erin and Cristina and we vowed to get together every week (we tried as often as possible).

It's not too often that you'll find someone you instantly click with that's in almost the exact situation as you, and two at that (all from the Bay Area with one kid that's the same age as yours...and a girl). They were so sweet to include me even though they had been besties for years and knew each other so well. I never felt left out and even our husbands hit it off. So of course, I wanted to celebrate my birthday with these two amazing ladies and their awesome husbands, they made my night perfect. I'm glad it happened when it did because it was our last night together.

Here's a blog post a la Cynthia with too many pictures.

Cheers to my 25th year on this planet and to moving on in life!
Gotta have my mint ice cream cake from the one and only, Baskin Robins! A yearly tradition since I was a youngster.
Enjoying some good music...Provo always has outdoor summer concerts going on.

Still kids at heart... here are the teenage pics Erin was talking about.

I miss you Erin...but am so grateful for our friendship and though we've only known each other for a short time, I know we'll remain life-long friends...and thanks for introducing me to Cristina. Don't get sad because we're gonna hang out all the time, but you're 26th birthday will be off the hook. See you in November!

This was the perfect ending to the perfect day.


  1. cynthia, i just love you! i remember after our first playdate in february i came home and was like "trevor i just met the coolest girl! she's from the bay area and she has a baby girl too!" haha i really did. from the first time we hung out i knew we were going to be good friends. its not often that i can find someone who i instantly click with. i love that our husbands all get along too. your birthday was so much fun!

    (p.s. if you were in pleasanton back then, we definitely would've been the 3 muskateers!)

  2. awww thank you for sharing your big day with us! it meant the world to me that you would choose to hang out with me on your birthday!
