Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A couple weeks ago Emma asked me if I was ready for my quarter life crisis. "Quarter life crisis?" I asked, "yeah, since the mid-life crisis is at 50, the quarter life crisis happens at 25 and it's usually not as sad and unusual as the mid life crisis is depicted to be". Interesting Emma...I hadn't really seen it that way but now it's got me thinking.

As I'm becoming older and doing "grown up" things like starting a family and looking at buying a home, I definitely feel like I'm no longer an adolescent and have entered the world of adulthood. Sometimes I'll look at my life and can't believe that I'm a grown up with responsibilities like a baby and possibly soon...a mortgage! Getting older has never been daunting for me (I guess if you're in your early 20's it never really is) and can be exciting because I'm usually the youngest...I'm the youngest in my family, amongst my peers, co-workers, and close friends. That's not the case anymore so that part of getting old is weird. But I think 25 is a great age... I'm at a really happy stage in my life right now. Life is good. I doubt I'll have the same feelings next year. Well, actually it'll be my golden birthday so the one after that won't be so fun.

My 25th birthday was a perfect day.

Eric made me breakfast, Leila took a nice long nap, had a gourmet lunch at McDonald's, and spent the day at Scera pool (I'm glad Seven Peaks was closed because I secretly like Scera better).

That night only got better...dinner with friends and we were all kid-less! Pics to come.

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