Thursday, January 26, 2012


Leila is such a little ball of energy. She loves to run around but doesn't listen very well, I mean, she's 18 months so I don't expect her to but I wanted to see if I can do something about it. So I singed us up for gymnastics. Seems like the perfect mix of play and discipline. She can be active and play with kids her age while learning to listen and follow instructions at the same time (hopefully).

Last week was our trial class, lets just say she was running around all over the place and preferred to do her own thing instead of follow instructions. One mom said not to worry, it'll take about 4 times for her to figure out the routine, another mom said it took her daughter 6 months to figure it out. Wow. Ok, now I don't feel so bad.

1. The trampoline is the ONLY thing she wants to do.
2. She's not so scared of tunnels anymore and went through it for the first time in her life.
3. Chilin', trying to catch bubbles towards the end of class.
4. She gets a blue star for "being so good during class". Ha ha.
Today was day two. The beginning exercises went great and she seemed to kinda remember what to do, I saw some improvement. But when it came to the rest of the activities, she was miss independent and did her own thing. Seems like all I did today was chase after her and bring her back to the group. I debated if this class was right for her at this age because she threw a couple tantrums and screaming fits because I didn't let her do what she wanted and I don't want her to be a distraction to the other kids. But...she will learn, only good will come out of gymnastics. 

Looking forward to next week because they just added a 3rd class, which is 45 min earlier than the one we've been going to. This time works better because it won't interfere with her nap time. So far, we're the only ones signed up for it but I think the time will be a lot better for her. So close to nap time probably isn't helping in her lack of desire to cooperate. Don't think we'll be the only ones for long.


  1. i think its great regardless if she does any gymnastic type of activity or not. she's still getting social interaction and like you said, is slowly learning the teacher/respect role. at least thats how i feel about jadie in hers.

  2. i love this! bella would LOVE something like that to run around and get her energy out. (i doubt she'd follow instruction though) leila looks so cute!
