Monday, January 9, 2012


We've been living in our house for about 2 weeks now. It's been soooo great and we're loving it. It's still a work in progress and we've been living off the bare necessities right now. We only have a couple plates and glasses out, have bare walls and rooms, upper cabinets are still in the garage, trying figure out our kitchen layout, and we're still recycling through the same 10 outfits. We have loads of boxes in the shop and the Gear Swap van is waiting to be unloaded from emptying out our storage unit but we're just happy despite the chaos. Happy to just have made it in our house before new years. Ended 2011 just right.

As we start a new year I can't help but reflect back on 2011. I must say, 2011 was a great year for us, I'm lucky to say that we didn't have many trials or was pretty awesome and full of blessings because we're happy and healthy. Leila grew up into a little girl, we bought a house, had our 15 minutes of fame, and now I'm fortunate enough to stay at home with my little one...full time.

I don't make too many personal resolutions as I tend to break them in the first 48 hours. I always strive to be better but I want to be a little more specific this year and have something to work towards. I made one real personal resolution last year and am proud to say I kept it. It was to blog more often so I can better document our lives and Leila's growth and development. Though I didn't keep up my Project 365 goal, I still blogged more than once a month. Happy about that.

Here are some ways I'd like to "better" myself this year:

Be present: probably the #1 resolution I want to work on this year is being more present and more unplugged from technology. Technology has taken over the world and everywhere you turn it seems like someone is glued to their phone/ipad/etc. Yes, I too am guilty. With facebook, instagram, and pinterest all on my phone I feel like whenever I have a spare moment I can always kill time by browsing on my phone. It's easy to bust it out at anytime, while I'm feeding Leila, while she's playing, while I'm sitting on the toilet, before I go to bed, at a stoplight, (I don't text and drive tho!) etc. If I break all of the resolutions below, as long as I keep this one I'll be happy: when I'm with Leila, I want to be with Leila and put my phone away. I'm not unplugging myself completely. No. Could never do that.

Be grateful: Back in the day when I started my positive psychology internship in college I wanted to start a gratitude journal. My favorite professor/mentor did so and encouraged me to too. I have yet to do so. This is the year. I know it will make me happy to see the good things in my life.

Be smart: I enjoy reading but don't make it a priority. Now that I'm a stay at home mom I feel like my brain has collapsed and has turned into a big blob of nothingness. I need to keep it working and thinking. I'll start by making the time to read more often. Goal: hope to read at least 6 books this year, 7 including the Book of Mormon from front to cover. First on my list is The Help, which I am currently reading and received as a Christmas gift. Suggestions for 2-6 are greatly appreciated.

Be active: I want to be fit..for myself, for my husband, for the summer, for the marathon we want to run this year, and especially before I get pregnant with baby #2. I don't want to completely let myself go and have that much more to tone up after my second child so that's a huge motivation for me since we want to get pregnant sometime this year. The holidays are over, it's time to set the treats aside and start working out at least 2-3x a week. Even if it's just walking around the block with Leila. Since running is pretty much the only way I can workout with Leila, I want to have a goal of running a marathon this year. Eric and I will do this together. I need something look forward to and working towards running a marathon is the perfect thing.

Be healthy: More home cooked meals. Less processed food. More organic stuff. Meatless nights. Eating out less. More greens. Enough said.

Be organized: Get my house in order and my days together. I like routine, Leila and I are going to find something that works so we have something to look forward to each week - you might not get it, but I do.

These are my personal resolutions, Eric and I have set some as a couple and I'm going to type them up andhang them on our fridge. We're excited for a newer, better year. Here's to 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Cyndol, you have a lot of resolutions to work on. I know you can achieve them go for it.
