Friday, January 27, 2012


We ended 2011 in style and started it off with a bang...2 days into 2012 we went snowboarding. Eric's good buddy/coworker has been dying to have Eric show him how to ride, so he was the instructor for the day. We all know Eric's a superb teacher, I mean just look at me, I'm his successful student!

Ok, not really. I still suck at snowboarding but if we went regularly during the season instead of 2-5 times max, I'd be loads better. Probably haven't really made the hubs proud...yet. For some people, snowboarding comes more naturally. I think Eric is too nice to me and I relied on him too much in the beginning. I fell in love with him on the mountain because he was so patient. I'm sure there were times that he just wanted to push me down the mountain and say, "see ya at the bottom", but he didn't. Which he probably should have because I might have been better off. He was just so sweet, always holding my hands, helping me get off the lift, and yelling kind words of encouragement. He still does.

Six years later, I'm still waiting for the day until I get good, but that's not going to happen on its own. I need to toughen up and grow some balls when it comes to tearing it up on the mountain. Because lets face it, I'm doing everything but "tearing it up". I need to be able to hang because it's a big part of Eric's family's life. Greg owns his own snowboarding shop, Gear Swap, and Greg and Shasta started their own clothing company, Flake, For the Snow Minded. These entrepreneurs live for snowboarding and always hook us up with our gear.

I watch people ride down the mountain and they make it look so easy, I don't know why I can't do that. I thought I'd be a pro by now. Don't get me wrong, I love the sport and love it even more since Eric and I get to do it together. But snowboarding would be 10x better if I was good, or just tried harder. Too bad it's just so expensive. Everything about the sport cost you an arm and a leg, everything from your get up, to your gear, to your pass. Not. A. Cheap. Sport.

I have no idea why I just went on that random rant. Anyway, here are the pictures.

Ray falling off the lift.
Catching a bite to eat. All these idiots paid $30 on 2 burgers and fries, while we went to Subway on our way up and spent $10 on a sandwich AND goodies to eat on the lift.

It was a beautiful day but I've never seen it so dry and barren. I could see the tops of trees under the lift, dirt, even rocks. Not the best day to be on the mountain but still fun.

Nice FLAKE beanie babe.

Even though Ray pretty much sucked and fell a lot, as expected, he was stoked on the sport. Being that Eric was the pro amongst the group, we wanted him to show off his mad skills at the park. So he did. 

And here's the part where it gets dicey.

When Eric threw in a backside boardslide he got on the rail going too fast. He lost his balance coming off the rail and landed on his back, sandwiching his left arm between his back and the hill. 

We were trying to milk the time we had on the mountain since we had a babysitter (thanks Greg), but when Eric said we needed to go home I knew it was bad. I've never seen Eric get hurt, let alone be in so much pain that he wanted to leave early. The further we made it down the caynon, the more pain he was in and nearly vomited in the car. I was going to drive straight to urgent care but Eric was trying to be a tough guy and wait it out til the next day in hopes of getting better. Well, the next day came and he could hardly move his arm so I off to urgent care we went. 

The verdict: avulson fracture of the ulna. Doc said to come back in 2 weeks, if wasn't better then he'd need surgery. Luckily, it's almost 4 weeks later and his arm is doing much better. He hasn't even been back to see the doctor. He was out of commission for a while and the Gear Swap van sat in our driveway for 3 weeks waiting to be unloaded. We finally got around to unloading it last weekend. Eric's injury made him pretty much useless, don't worry he'll admit it too. 

As I'm writing this, Eric's out riding with his brother. I told him to keep is board on the ground, to stay in bounds, and out of the park. Trying to get a rise out of me, he sent me this picture:

1 comment:

  1. ugh i would almost kill to go snowboarding right now. way to make me jealous, thanks.
