Friday, January 13, 2012


For the past 3 days, Leila and I have been chilling at home in our PJ's because I caught the dreaded cold. Feels worse today, Eric had to run to the store to get me more meds because we ran out and Theraflu was the only thing that sounded like it'd do the trick. At 3:30am last night, Leila woke up screaming bloody murder. Sometimes we'll let her cry it out but this time it was different. When I went to get her I noticed she'd thrown up in her bed. She seems fine now but I hope she doesn't get whatever I've got - though, I'm throwing up. Random.

So these past few days have been lazy ones. We've been doing a lot of playing at home and I've been able to make a pretty good sized dent in my book. That's all I want to do. Hopefully I can finish it this weekend so I can rent the movie.

1 comment:

  1. My poor girls, I am glad the sickness is all gone. And you can play and have fun again. Last time I talked to you I heard Leila in the background, talking, and talking I don't what she was saying but she sounded happy, what a blessing. The day is a lot brighter when babies are well and getting into trouble that's how I like Leila, haciendo travesuras. Love you girls
