Thursday, February 9, 2012

"rough life"

Eric was looking at my blog at work yesterday and busted out laughing at the picture of Leila sliding down the slide. His coworker, Ray, asked what he was laughing at so Eric showed him the pics on my blog. Ray said, "That's what your wife does all day, huh...bounce houses, zoos and cupcakes? Must be rough!".

Ha ha, I was thinking exactly that as I made those two posts yesterday. People must think I have it easy because I get to "play" all day. And I guess I do, when I find myself complaining about little things and asking myself these silly questions everyday like, "what am I going to do to entertain Leila today, what am I going to feed her, how am I going to fill my time, what am I going to do to get out of the house, what ways can I teach her to ____, what's for dinner, etc". Reality sets in and I think, wow, I have little to complain about and I have it good.

But Ray, the life of a housewife/homemaker/stay-at-home-mom (these are all kind of dirty words to me...and it drives me crazy when my mom refers to me as a housewife) isn't always fun. I've talked about this before on my blog but I mean, cooking, cleaning, shopping, organizing, being at home, deciding whats for dinner, decorating, living on a budget, etc. was NEVER my dream job. But it's the being home with your kids and raising them that makes it worth it, harder, but worth it. And it's not like I do it alone, Eric helps a ton around the house and we both do the cooking, decorating, laundry, and raising. He does way more than his share.

Last night at a Relief Society activity we played a get to know you game. We each got 4 skittles and every color had a corresponding question. One of the questions was what is your dream job. My answer was to be an interior designer/stylist with Eric or get paid to travel...but I want to bring my family along too! Someone else said their dream job was to be a stay-at-home mom. The girl who said it is a middle school teacher and pregnant. I don't know if she will quit when she has her baby or what.

But being a stay-at-home-mom didn't even cross my mind. I feel kinda guilty for not thinking of it. To a lot of people I know, this is their dream job and the only job they want. Sometimes I think it'd be easier or more fun to have a job away from it all where I can do what I want to do and be who I want to be. Now a days that's possible for mommies through the blog world. It's pretty cool that women are getting paid through sponsors on their blog. Don't think I'll ever get there...but I'm hoping to find something I have a passion for that I can do from home. Women these days are so creative and I'm waiting for my creative juices to start flowing.

Since we've purchased our home, I'm officially a housewife. It's an adjustment and I find myself getting bored at times and not having a whole lot to say about my day when Eric gets home from work, but I love it. I find that I've needed to be more creative in the things I do everyday and I'm learning a lot about myself.

Being a mom is what I want to be, who I am, and what I want right now. I'm going to start looking at is as my dream job. Because, well, it is.

I mean, now that I have Leila, I'd NEVER want to leave her!

So to add to my "rough life", here are more fun things we've been up to lately.

Cristina and Bella came over twice last week to 1. have a play date and check out our new crib and 2. to go to gymnastics with us. The girls played with play-doh that Eric and I made last month - surprised it wasn't dry. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to upload the pics from that random night a month ago of, "hey, wanna make play-doh?" So we did because we had all the ingredients are the pics.

Since the days of Erin, Cristina, and I all meeting up for play dates has ended, we made a date with Erin to video chat while Cristina was over. It wasn't the same. We miss her too much that it hurts sometimes, but I guess this is the next best thing.

When Leila and I first started gymnastics, I told Cristina all about it and she wanted to give it a try....even though it was a 45 minute drive from her house! What a good friend, glad she loves hanging out with us as much as we do them.

It was nice having Leila's little buddy there...and my buddy Cristina too. Of course, those little rugrats were bouncing off the walls and acting crazy, but they still had fun and were so cute together. Following each other around, chasing each other, etc.

Technically, Bella isn't supposed to start the class for another 2 months when she turns 18 months but we pretended Bella was 18 months. She and Leila look the same and are doing the same things anyway, so what's it matter? It was funny when another mom asked Cristina how old Bella was, Cristina said, "18 months" like she'd rehearsed it because it came out so fluid. But I could she the smile in her eye and could tell she was trying so hard not to laugh because I could tell she couldn't tell a lie.


  1. hahaha i think we did laugh a little after i said bella was 18 months.. we probably weren't as smooth as we thought we were. and i love that picture of our girls climbing over the beam together! looking forward to lots more playdates :)

  2. Wow!!! Cyndol you are a great mom, lots to do it's hard to be a "housewife" ooooh little girls having fun.
