Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Leila had her 18 month checkup last week and I must say it was the best appointment ever...and that's because we had a new doctor.

I don't think I have good luck with doctors. When I was pregnant, everyone told me how much they LOVED their OB. I liked mine, but he wasn't my favorite and I wished I'd shopped around a little bit more when looking for doctors. So when it came time to find Leila's pediatrician I made sure to find someone I loved...and I did. He was way more personable than my OB and he seemed to really care. But after a couple checkups I just started feeling like a number to him and I didn't feel like he cared to thoroughly answer my questions, his visits were short and cold.

Because of this, I was excited when we moved to Murray because that meant we were forced to find a new pediatrician. But I didn't want to have to search for one, I mean where do I start?

Thankfully, my good friend Ashton, who lives in Salt Lake, recommended her pediatrician who has an office just 4 minutes from my house. She raved about him and said he's kinda hard to get into but he's the best doctor she's ever met with. That's a big deal coming from her so I took her advice and called Dr. Ralston. Luckily, he was accepting new clients but he was booked a month out. Good sign?

Well, we went to the appointment and Ashton was right. I could go on and on about how amazing this doctor was, but I'll just say it was a great visit and I left very satisfied. I appreciated how he listened and thoroughly answered my questions. His responses were so in depth that we didn't get to all of them but that's okay because we had good conversation. I'll just look up babycenter for the rest.

He watched Leila play and analyzed our interaction together. He screened for autism and explained exactly why Leila doesn't have it. When I told him Leila is attached to her binky, his response was "good" and related the binky to us, her parents. He said he doesn't know why babycenter said the prime age to get rid of the binky is 18 months, but he thinks it's 2-3. This whole time I've been stressing over the binky and he made it seem like it was no big deal, that it's okay and not to worry about getting rid of it before she's ready. He gave me ideas of how to slowly wean her off of it too. I feel so much better.

Overall, he said Leila is a very, very healthy girl. Her stats are:
Height: 32.2 inches 80th percentile
Weight: 22.7 lbs 20th percentile
Head circumference: 19 inches


  1. glad i'm not the only one getting their child late into a well check! jadie's will be a month late. also glad you found a dr you love! hope we end up loving ours as much as you do yours!

  2. It makes such a difference when you love your doctor! That is awesome that everything went so well!
