Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Who likes unicorns...
 And pigtails??
We've been playing around with Leila's hair lately and I can't believe it's long enough to put in pigtails. Doing her hair actually makes me feel like a mother of a little girl, not so much a baby.
Think we're gonna start rockin' this style from now on.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Our plans for this Memorial Day consisted of soaking in the rays and taking a dive in the pool...but Mother Nature had other plans.
We still partied it up because Leila was invited to her very first birthday party! Yes, my little girl has friends. Her friend Eli turned one! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELI! The sun made an appearance just in time for the celebration but it was still too cold for me to jump in the pool. I was freezing...but some people were brave.
The birthday boy didn't like his birthday cake...think he was a little too overwhelmed by all the folk watching him.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Four words: freshly baked banana bread.
Nothing makes my house smell better. I gave Leila a big piece of bread since it's cake-like to see if she would dive in and to get her ready for her 1st birthday. She dove in alright and tore the bread apart and put it right in her mouth. I don't think we need to practice for the big day, she's ready.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well, good morning sunshine...ready to come out and play?

Friday, May 27, 2011


We've been spoiled this past week and have been able to hang out with friends we haven't seen in quite some time. We were able to have a Summerwood gathering...minus some peeps (Rachel we missed you).

Emily, Rachel and I were like the 3 musketeers in college...best buds and always together. In my eyes, Adam was pretty much the 4th musketeer. Adam hung out at our apartment all the time (mostly playing old school nintendo) and we always invited him over to do things because we were more entertaining than his roommates (except Eric, but they weren't roommates until the 2nd year). Adam has a unique sense of humor and is always cracking jokes and making us laugh. He's been an amazing friend to all 3 of us.

Adam married Joie, who also lived at Summerwood and is just as cool as he is. When I got the message that he and his adorable family would be in town for the weekend I couldn't believe it. I haven't seen him in at least 4 years and was stoked to catch up.
We had quite the fiasco trying to have dinner at Texas Roadhouse...note to self, don't eat there if you have a large party. So after waiting for like 45 minutes for our reservation in a jam packed waiting area where we had to yell at each other to hear and could hardly move, we made our way to The Old Spaghetti Factory instead. Random fact: The Old Spaghetti Factory has a balloon maker that goes around the tables offering to make balloons. He was pretty good and made Leila a unicorn, Emily's 3 year old date a flower (she was so cute and well behaved I forgot she was even there), Adam a motorcycle for old times sake, and Dempsey a monkey.

Dinner was great and it was as if no time had passed at all.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Erin invited LM and I to the park and we couldn't resist the company or the warm weather. Leila loves her little friends Jadie and Eli and I love chatting it up with Erin and Natalie. All 3 of us have RJ's and our schedules miraculously match up on Wednesdays. We haven't met up for a play date for a while but since most of us are getting seven peaks passes, we're gonna live there this summer.  
Yesterday Greg called Eric and asked what he was doing tomorrow. Um, nothing? They made a quick trip out here so we were able to see them for a couple hours. We ate at Thaifoon, walked the Gateway, enjoyed the water fountains where Lexi got sopping wet, had some frozen yogurt, and enjoyed the clear day.
We loved our few hours with them and can't wait to see them again.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This is what happens when I let Leila feed herself:
As expected, she got prunes everywhere (gotta keep those poops consistent) but it was fun letting her explore and have at it. We couldn't wait until her nightly bath to get her all cleaned up...I should have kept her in a diaper.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It's official...my child can now suck through a straw! Count it!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Mom: Backed yourself into a corner and can't get yourself out, huh? Well, why don't you try crawling forward?
Leila: Nah, I'm perfectly content spinning around on the floor and crawling backyard, thank you. But seriously mom, what are you looking at? Pick me up already!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I'm sitting here on my in-laws deck enjoying the rain, thunder, and lightening. This summer storm reminds me of the hot summer days in Mazatlan...except the thunder sounds like bowling balls and is accompanied by warm rain.
It was nice earlier today so we had Sunday dinner on the deck for the first time this season. Eileen got an iPhone for Mother's Day so Eric's showing her the ropes like a good son who's up and up with technology.
Eileen is catching on fast and I can proudly say that both our parents can now text...it makes things so much easier and our parents love getting picture messages of the princess.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Dressed in yellow, she says hello....
It was a bring-a-sandwich-to-the-park-and-have-a-picnic kinda day.
Leila's our little high-stepping princess. She absolutely LOVES walking around...or I should say MARCHING around because that's what it looks like. It just cracks us up to watch her. She would march around all day if you let her...assisted of course.

Friday, May 20, 2011


The worst thing in the world is waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to throw up. I kept trying to fight the urge and try to fall back asleep but I knew if I just got up and went to the bathroom I'd feel a whole lot better.
Well, this happened 3x last night. And no I'm not pregnant.

To say that Eric is amazing is an understatement. He was there by my side each time and got me a bucket to put by my bedside. By the 3rd round, at 6am, he made a run to WinCo for Gatorade, Saltine Crackers, and Pepto Bismal. What a sweetheart. On top of that he got up with Leila and worked from home to help me take care of her while I worked all day. I felt better enough to work - thanks to Eric - as long as I sat in one place and didn't have to move around too much. Eric came to my rescue and nursed me back to health.

By the way, our ceiling did end up crashing down. Luckily, we weren't here for the mess and came home to semi repaired ceiling. It just needs to be painted. Surprisingly we didn't find the house a mess either. I was expecting to open the door and find a disaster...but the house did still smell a little like wet dog.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Simply put...my mom is the best. She took the morning off work to make us our favorite breakfast, chorizo con huevo and banana pancakes, and to see us off.

We definitely had a fun filled trip and I so needed the break and the family time. Leila was a champ the whole vacation, especially when it came to falling asleep in the car. But the plane ride home was a different story...she cried the ENTIRE flight home, no joke! She just couldn't sit still or get comfortable. It made for a horribly long flight. Luckily, the guy sitting across the aisle had noise cancellation headphones.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


On our last night home, my parents watched the babe while us kids spent quality time together...at the movies.

We looked through old family photo albums and laughed about old times. Those cheeks of Leila's where it looks like she's always storing food - yeah, well those came from me. I realized that Leila does look and didn't just get her daddy's genes. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Eric left for his workshop in Concord and won't be back until tomorrow night so Leila and I are just chillin' at home with the fam. We invited the Calderon's over for dinner and had my mom's delicious pozole!
 Leila and Abuelito were having a ball playing with bubbles.

Monday, May 16, 2011


It's no secret that Eric and I both LOVE to shop.
We devoted all day to shopping in the city...and snapping some photos.
Some of our favorite spots include Haight Street, Painted Ladies, Union Square, Marina, Golden Gate Park, Fisherman's Wharf, Palace of Fine Arts...pretty much the entire 7x7 miles that is San Francisco.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sunday drives in my family are a pretty regular thing. 
We wanted to enjoy the beach as much as we could during this trip so we headed out to Venice Beach at Half Moon Bay. 
Leila looks like such a chunk in this photo.
Every time we go home, my mom makes our antojos. Eric requested tostadas and tomorrow we'll be having my favorite pozole! Everyone does their fair share when it comes to making dinner...even Eric.
Ashlee (my fave and only niece) hogged Leila the entire night and wanted to keep her for herself...which is fine by us! Ashlee is more like my sister because we're closer in age than Ana and me...only 5 years apart. She's the 2nd to biggest brat I know (other than myself) and we fight like sisters but I love her to pieces.