Monday, May 9, 2011


Our maintenance guys came to turn on our swamp cooler. It flooded our roof and water starting leaking from every hole in our kitchen (light fixtures and light switches) and our floor was soaked. Long story short they turned off the water and "fixed" the problem. Well, when we saw that our ceiling was sagging a couple hours later we realized they didn't "fix" anything. Please note that all the water has been drained in pictures 3 & 4. 
We are to leave for California on Wednesday...this might be a good thing or a bad thing. It's unnerving to leave our house like this not knowing what we are going to come home to but at least they'll be able to fix it while we're gone. We surrounded the sagging sheet rock in plastic dust covers and taped it to the floor, ceiling, and walls so insulation doesn't go everywhere when/if our ceiling comes crashing down. Scary.

Oh, and our house smells like wet dog. Fun, huh?

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