Friday, May 20, 2011


The worst thing in the world is waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to throw up. I kept trying to fight the urge and try to fall back asleep but I knew if I just got up and went to the bathroom I'd feel a whole lot better.
Well, this happened 3x last night. And no I'm not pregnant.

To say that Eric is amazing is an understatement. He was there by my side each time and got me a bucket to put by my bedside. By the 3rd round, at 6am, he made a run to WinCo for Gatorade, Saltine Crackers, and Pepto Bismal. What a sweetheart. On top of that he got up with Leila and worked from home to help me take care of her while I worked all day. I felt better enough to work - thanks to Eric - as long as I sat in one place and didn't have to move around too much. Eric came to my rescue and nursed me back to health.

By the way, our ceiling did end up crashing down. Luckily, we weren't here for the mess and came home to semi repaired ceiling. It just needs to be painted. Surprisingly we didn't find the house a mess either. I was expecting to open the door and find a disaster...but the house did still smell a little like wet dog.

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