Tuesday, May 3, 2011


To you this face may look like the bride of Chucky.
But to me, this is my favorite Leila face where she pants while squinching her little nose.

Leila is FIERCE...look at her fist ready to knock you out.
And just in case anyone was worried, I promise you this girl is as sweet as pie.


  1. bride of chucky hahaha you crack me up. it kinda does which makes it even more funny! i think its cute too though

  2. She makes the best niece faces!!!

  3. Adam had a good chuckle at those baby faces and kept making up his own captions for them, as you can imagine only Adam can. The fist one, he kept saying, "I keel you!" Too funny!

  4. These are priceless!! That little face of hers is unbelievably awesome. Seriously...Ben and I are laughing out loud, and you've captured them so well! Keep these forever and ever.

  5. I had to show Greg these pictures, he started laughing and said "that's awesome!"
