Monday, May 2, 2011


If you remember, I posted a few weeks ago that we were going to try to break little miss Leila out of her swaddling habit...well we didn't. We're still swaddling because I just didn't want to fight the battle and if she sleeps well, so be it. One afternoon I put her down for her nap swaddled, as usual. When I went in to check on her I found this:
She almost had her arm out and was STILL sleeping. Not normal behavior at all.
I went to check on her 30 min later and to my surprise found this:
WHAT?!? I couldn't believe my arm completely out and still asleep!?! I was such a proud mamma.
The next night she woke up around midnight because she got her arms out (very rare...Leila still wakes up once a night for her 4-5am feeding combined with being out of her swaddle).

As you can see, I have proof she could sleep with her little arms out so we tried a little experiment when she woke up at this random hour of the night. We let her cry it out for 1 1/2 hours, it was hard but needed to be done. She didn't fall asleep after that 1 1/2 hour crying episode so I swaddled her up and fed her.

Did that one night of crying really do the trick? I think so (knock on wood) because since that night, if she gets out of her swaddle she'll usually stay asleep.

Leila is already slowly growing out of her swaddle, we're still continuing to do so in the meantime but I'm not as concerned as I was in my last post. Soon, those 2 swaddling blankets will be a thing of the past.

1 comment:

  1. they will. i think the fact that she still likes to be swaddled isnt a big deal at all. like you said, shes growing out of it. it will just be nice for YOU that you wont have to wake up to reswaddle her and stuff
