Thursday, March 31, 2011


Greg and Jalaine say that the thing they miss the most about Utah are the Mountains and Provo Canyon. So we had to pay Bridal Veil Falls a little visit. We couldn't have asked for better weather.

They'd never been to Guru's so we had to take them there for lunch. It rocked their taste buds off too! We met up Trevor and Sara for dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory. We love meeting up with old friends.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


About a year ago, our really good friends took on a new position for Best Buy which forced them to move to Idaho. It's bitter sweet because it's been a great advancement for Greg's career but it also took them away from Utah. We did everything with these kids and miss them a ton.

Luckily, Idaho is only a 6 hour drive so they came to visit for Leila's blessing in July and again this week just for fun! They have two kids, Lexi and Mason and they are adorable. Lexi was the first baby Eric and I have really been around and seen grow up. Remember, we're both the youngest in our families and Lexi has taught us a lot and has been so much fun. She is now 3 1/2 and we can't believe how much she's grown in the 10 months they've been gone. Mason is 2 months older than Leila so that made it harder when they moved because we wanted them to be baby buddies.

We chilled in the pool at their hotel. It was Leila's first time swimming and I wasn't sure how'd she'd react but she loved it! It didn't even phase her that the pool wasn't warm like her bath water. I was trippin' over the colder water more than she was...what a trooper.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011


Russ and Adilfa
Its time to learn how to use my DSLR and take it off automatic mode. 
Eric got me a Groupon for a 4 hour photography class with Don Polo Photography. 

First of all, I loved the couple that taught the class. Probably because they remind me so much of my parents. This is so cheesy but my parents' love for each other (as well as Adilfa and Russ) is so evident and after so many years of marriage they are still very affectionate...Eric and I will be just like that too :)

Adilfa is hilarious and has been a photographer for 18 years. For the past 10 years her husband, Russ, has joined her in the business so now it's a family affair. Adilfa is from Venezuela and Russ is gringo. Just like my mom, after many years of living in this country, Adilfa has a super thick accent. Their photography is super traditional but they had a plethora of knowledge and I could have listened to them all day. They have mad photography skills and are extremely talented. They can make anyone look good! And man, I've never seen anyone use Photoshop so well. Eric knows his way around the program but I've never seen it used like this. They made brides look thinner in their waist and arms, took away blemishes, added umph to someones eyes, whitened teeth, lightened the appearance of wrinkles. When people said models on covers of magazines don't really look that way, they weren't kidding. I didn't know how they could distort their body until I saw Adilfa work her magic. The before pictures were night and day. She didn't make the brides look like a different person, she just made them look a little better.

Now onto the class. The basics were covered:
-how to use your camera  

Lets just say there is still A LOT I need to learn. We just covered the tip of the iceberg. How to use your camera was the most confusing. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance aperture, shutter speed, and metering. Until then, I'm still using automatic. I really just got a glimpse of how to use my camera and need to figure the thing out. I didn't think it'd be so complicated. They suggested we take workshops and more classes to further our skills. Thinking about joining the Wasatch Camera Club where you can take field trips, workshops, and "learn and grow with other area photographers who take the art seriously".  

600 peeps purchased the groupon and there were 100 people in my class. Most were amateurs, like myself (have a DSLR but don't know how to use it), and only a handful were paid professionals. That's not what I'm aiming for...I love taking pictures and I just want to get better at it. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Look at that tongue. She's learning how to use it and was sticking it out at us while Dylan was holding her at church. She wasn't all about falling asleep in her car seat and wanted to come out and play and listen to the lesson - I don't blame her, Sunday School was really good today. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011


5 years.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of having a full blown pamper session. Eric and I have been to a spa one other time... it was a gift from a friend when we visited the Philippines 3 years ago. After experiencing a couples massage, we've been wanting to treat ourselves again. Well I think the time has come. We went to The Kura Door Holistic Japanese Spa. At The Kura Door it's all about the experience from the moment you get there. They give you these special shoes and a robe to rock during your stay. The atmosphere is so relaxing. They have a sauna and steam room you can use ALL DAY LONG if you wanted....even if you're just getting a wax or pedicure. First was a 50 min soak in the Ofuru bath. The bath was so romantic, it came with tea, candles, and lots of yummy stuff that made our bath smell good. I could have left happy with the bath alone. We were looking forward to our 60 min massage. This was a time to let go. We didn't have a concept of time. 

I'll never go to another spa...the Japanese spa is definitely the way to go. The service was impeccable. We're going to try to spoil ourselves every couple months. It's the new destination for special occasion's too. When we left the spa we were ready for bed...but the night wasn't over yet.

We are avid lovers of food and look forward to dining at new restaurants. We wanted to hit up a local, non-chain, off the hook restaurant for dinner. We found it at Frida Bistro. It's named after Frida Kahlo, the passionate and influential Mexican painter. It's a gem in a weird part of town, 7th south in the industrial part of Salt Lake. It's a Best of Salt Lake winner and let me tell you its the best gourmet Mexican food I've ever had. They make food look sexy. Yes, food can be sexy. The manager was our server because our server never arrived...and dessert was on the house because we were celebrating the big 5 (thank you Grandma and Grandpa Fuessel for watching our princess). 

Happy anniversary Eric. I honestly believe we are two of the luckiest people in the world. The fun we have, the things we do, the home we've created, our good friends, our wonderful family, and of course, our relationship. 

Friday, March 25, 2011


Laura tested yet another new recipe on us. Dessert was delish and healthy...until we doused it with homemade butterscotch and vanilla ice cream.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Good morning sunshine.

I couldn't get these pictures to line up right in photoshop. What's the best way to make a photo collage? I need help. As you can tell, I'm not a perfectionist.

I'm still sleepy.
Flash is too bright.
Ok, I'm awake now.
But i just woke up and I'm still tired.

Lately, Leila has been waking up at 6am to feed and wakes up around 9am for the day. Sleeping 10 hrs straight isn't bad! I like this schedule. I'd rather her wake up once in the night to feed if it means she sleeps in longer...versus waking up at 7am for the day. I love sleeping keep it up princess. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It's always nice having something to look forward to. Today it was playgroup. I really enjoy talking to other moms and seeing Leila interact with other babies. She does well with other kids...except when she wanted whatever toy Bella was playing with. She kept stealing Bella's toy. I felt bad. Why is it that kids want whatever toy the other kid is playing with?

Oh, and I love that all 4 of us are from the Bay Area. Didn't think I'd find so many Californian's when I moved to Utah. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Leila has started jabberin' "MOMMA"!! Ok, it varies from "mum mum" and "ma ma". About 2 weeks ago she started pronouncing her "M's". Yesterday she clearly said "momma" and pretty much said it all day long. I couldn't get enough of hearing AND seeing her say it. Can there really be a more pleasing sound than hearing your daughter say "momma" for the first time? I think not. Music to my ears I tell ya. This morning she woke up saying "ma ma ma ma". I got out of bed so fast because I just wanted to hold my baby girl and answer to my call. It seriously melted my heart. I'm not quite sure if she knows what she's saying, but she said my name all the same. I couldn't be a more PROUD mom.

She looks like such a big girl in these pictures...I just love those shiny chunky cheeks!

Tonight was Greg and Shasta's last night in Utah. Tomorrow they head back to Alaska until October when they move back for good! There was a TON of leftover food from the wedding so our services were required to help them kill it (along with the rest of the fam-damily). We'll miss you Greg and Shasta.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I haven't busted this baby out in quite some time. Probably since a couple days before Leila was born - finishing up those last minute projects.

Shasta asked me to make a car seat canopy for her sister who should be having a girl any day now. I was excited to bust out my sewing machine again because I have some projects I'd like to work on (make pillows, take in some of my jeans, etc.). This was my motivation. I've only made one car seat canopy...mine. It's not hard to make, but I was still nervous because I was making it as a gift. I think it turned out alright...hope Shay likes it.

I haven't always been crafty. I only learned how to sew about 2 years ago. Shasta taught me how to make my very first set of curtains. They turned out hideous but I still use them in our bedroom. I remember it not being as easy as it looked (I mostly just hated the pinning and ironing). Shortly after that, I decided I'd entertain the crafty bone in my body. I've NEVER been one to craft, and disliked going to the Relief Society craft night activities.

Obviously, things have changed. Even my family thinks it's weird and shocking that I can sew...let alone do other things because I've never been interested in crafts in the past. I've definitely evolved into a different person since I left home in California. And when I say crafty, I'm not talking Martha Stewart crafty or anything even remotely close. I'm talking beginner...but I'm getting there. I never imagined myself as a homemaker, and in fact wanted to be something far from that. But now I wouldn't have it any other way. 

What can I say...Utah, and my crafty friends, have rubbed off on me. It started with making those curtains, to making blankets for my friends that were having babies back home. Once I found out I was pregnant AND when Eric bought me a sewing machine, it was downhill from there. While I was pregnant, I made a car seat canopy, burp cloths, Leila's bird mobile, earrings, curtains, magnets, headbands...and I think that's it. More crafts to come. 

And a HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE NIECE ASHLEE! You've always been more like a sister to me. I love you!

Sunday, March 20, 2011



It felt like we went on a mini vacation because we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Fuessel's since Wednesday night. We couldn't stay away from the wedding festivities and all the family that was in town. Well, it's Sunday and it's time to head back home. Back to reality (no helping hands) and back to normal sleep schedules.

The night of the wedding, Leila was only able to take one nap. She usually takes 3. There were just too many distractions at the wedding (music, noise, people). We tried everything; swaddling, pack-n-play, car seat, nothing got my princess to get some z's. Thankfully, grandma and grandpa took her home around 9:00 from the wedding. On the way down the canyon she projectile vomited 4 times. It got everywhere, all over her, her car seat, and grandma. My poor baby girl! We think she was car sick, and I'm sure the lack of sleep didn't help either. Luckily Kimberly - a nurse - was there to help and they had to pull over a couple times to take care of the princess. She didn't sleep very well that night. But the next 2 nights that little girl slept like a rock, 12 hours straight! She also took 2 very long naps during the day. All that partying was exhausting.

But Leila did have a ball playing with her cousin Audrey. She took her very first bubble bath. Leila loved the bubbles and wouldn't stop splashing. We still bathe Leila in the tub for the's just easier and she still loves it. But I think we'll start bathing her in the real tub. She'll be able to splash around without getting us and the kitchen floor drenched.

Saturday, March 19, 2011



We hit the slopes after breakfast and met up Greg and Shasta as they were almost done cleaning the lodge. 
Forgot to do this last night!

Riding the kegger down the mountain

We're all rockin' Flake beanies

Bra tree


*I can't help it, we took so many pictures over the weekend I just need to post them all. Can you say picture overload!


After a day of partying, the Blue Plate Diner was calling our name for breakfast. We went with Eric's siblings (minus Greg because he was on his "honeymoon"). This is the BEST place for breakfast in Salt Lake (ok, Finn's is also off the hook). The Blue Plate was on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. Love this show but can't watch it when we're starving. Someday I'll go to every restaurant Guy Fieri's been. John, the owner of Blue Plate Diner, made corned beef and hash on the show. Now We get it every time, DELISH!

Corned beef and hash.
French toast, bananas and walnuts.
Natalie and Dave

Couldn't get a good picture of Kimberly and Audrey.

Leila loves my locket.

These mesh feeders are a dream. I put everything in this baby. Leila loves it because she's in control and can actually eat stuff with FLAVOR! She's eaten blueberries, bananas, pancakes, hash browns, turkey, chicken, and more to come. She also LOVES water and enjoys when I feed it to her from a straw.