Friday, March 4, 2011


Friday night our good friends invited us over for dinner. We celebrated that they moved back into their condo after renovating it. Laura made a gourmet meal and I'm still drooling over the stuffed mushrooms. We swaddled Leila up and let her sleep on their bed. As long as she's swaddled and has her special music, she can fall asleep anywhere (eventually). We stayed up for hours just talking while our babies slept. We left well past midnight...its been a while since we've hung out with friends and chatted until the wee hours of the night. It was much needed. 

Eric loves wrestling with dogs. Their boxer, Martha, was all about the attention and we think she even had a little crush on him. We've talked about getting a dog when we buy a home. We were so close to buying a puggle a few years ago. We pulled up to the parking lot of the pet store and were ready to get out and buy ourselves a new companion...but then reality hit and we decided it wasn't the right timing. So we headed over to Ikea and bought ourselves a bedroom set instead. I'd say that was a wiser purchase.  I love the idea of having a dog but I'm such a germaphobe and I can't get past the shedding. I feel like I need to wash my hands every time I pet a dog. I'm sure I'll feel differently when it's MY dog. I'm so shy around pets because we never had cats or dogs growing dad didn't like them because they shed, can ruin your furniture, and didn't want to have to worry about them when we went on vacation. We had pets, just not the traditional kind. We housed ducks, rabbits, fish, and birds. That's it. 

We love driving around neighborhoods looking for homes we'd love to live in (and sometimes think what we can do to give it better curb appeal - we're HGTV addicts!). A couple weeks ago we were driving though Sugarhouse. It's our dream to live there, we love the unique homes, quaint cafe's, boutiques, and the parks. We love that it's a walking neighborhood. Almost everyone has a dog in Sugarhouse. If we live in Sugarhouse we'd need a dog to fit in. I asked Eric if he still wanted a dog and he said, "Meh, yes and no". Well, I think Martha may have changed his mind. If we ever get a dog, which I think we will now, we'd want a Vizsla!


  1. Vizsla's are really pretty dogs! you should get one. And i totally understand on the church thing. it wasn't until we changed to 9:00 church that things started going really well. 1:00 was sooo hard with naps and such..but that's good you have perseverance to stay

  2. Oh man, don't even get me started on church. With two babies I don't think we have stayed for all 3 hours for the past two months. It is so hard when they start walking, they don't want to sit still, they are ornery because it's naptime, and they are not old enough to go into the nursery...but this too shall pass. :)

    I totally hear ya when it comes to dogs and germs. Especially, since we have kids and they would both be crawling around on the floor...ick. I think once we have a house and the kids are a little older, I would love a dog. Adam's dream dog is and English bulldog, haha, so ugly they're cute.

  3. Erik, is having fun with the dog, they are fun to play with but ijole son iguales de caros que un bebe o mas.
